
LAQ : What is deforestation? Mention the causes and effects of deforestation




What is deforestation? Mention the causes and effects of deforestation


Deforestation refers to the permanent removal of trees and forests, typically to clear land for agricultural, industrial, or urban development purposes. It can also be caused by natural disasters such as wildfires, disease, and insect infestations.

Some of the causes of deforestation are:

  1. Agricultural expansion: Forests are cleared to make way for agricultural land, particularly for cash crops such as soybeans, palm oil, and coffee.
  2. Logging: Trees are harvested for their wood to make paper, furniture, and other products.
  3. Urbanization: Trees are cleared to make way for buildings, roads, and other infrastructure.
  4. Mining: Forests are cleared to access minerals and other resources that lie beneath the land.
  5. Natural disasters: Forests can be destroyed by wildfires, disease, and insect infestations.

The effects of deforestation are:

  1. Loss of biodiversity: Deforestation destroys habitats and reduces biodiversity, leading to the extinction of plant and animal species.
  2. Climate change: Deforestation contributes to climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that trees can absorb from the atmosphere.
  3. Soil erosion: Without tree roots to hold soil in place, deforested areas are prone to erosion and landslides.
  4. Water cycle disruption: Deforestation can disrupt the water cycle, leading to reduced rainfall and increased soil dryness.
  5. Economic impact: Deforestation can have a negative impact on the economy, particularly for communities that rely on forests for food, shelter, and income.

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