Chapter - 1 : Force

i) Moment of Force = F × r

  • Force
  • Perpendicular distance

Nature of moment

  • Clockwise moment – Negative
  • Anticlockwise moment – Positive

ii) Couple or Moment of Couple = F × d

  • Either Force
  • Couple arm

iii) Principle of Moment: Sum of Anticlockwise Moment = Sum of Clockwise Moment

Chapter - 2 : Work, energy and power

i) Work done = F × S × Cos θ

  • F = Force
  • S = Displacement
  • θ = Angle between F and S

Special Cases

  1. If the displacement is in the direction of force,i.e.θ =0, then cos 0°= 1; W = F×S
  2. If the displacement is normal to the direction of force, i.e. θ = 90°, then cos 90°=0; W = 0
  3. If the displacement is opposite to the direction of force,i.e.θ = 180°, then cos 180°=0; W = -F×S

ii) Work done by Gravity (W) = m × g × h

  • m = mass
  • a = acceleration due to gravity
  • h = height

iii) Power (P) = work (W)\over time (t)

iv) Power (P) = Force (F) × Velocity (v)

v) Potential Energy: Ep= m × g × h

  • m = mass
  • a = acceleration due to gravity
  • h = height

vi) Kinetic Energy: Ek = 1\over 2 × m × v2

  • m = mass
  • v = velocity

vii) Momentum (p) = \sqrt{2 \times m \times K}

(viii) Work-energy theorem: Work (W) = 1\over 2(v2 – u2)

  • m =mass
  • u =initial velocity
  • v = final velocity

Chapter - 3 : Machine

i) Mechanical Advantage (MA) = Load (L) \over Effort (E)

ii) Velocity Ratio (VR) = velocity\ of\ effort\ (v_E) \over velocity\ of\ Load\ (v_L)

iii) Velocity Ratio (VR) = Displacement\ of\ effort\ (d_E) \over Displacement\ of\ Load\ (d_L)

iv) Principle of a Machine:

  • For ideal Machine – Work Input =Work Output
  • For Real Machine -Work Input >Work Output

v) Mechanical Advantage (M.A) =Velocity Ratio(V.R) × Efficiency(n)

vi) Load × Load Arm =Effort × Effort Arm

vii) Mechanical Advantage (M.A) = Effort\ arm \over Load\ arm

Note :

  1. For Class – I Lever: M.A. and V.R. can have any value.
  2. For Class – II Lever: M.A and V.R > 1 (always)
  3. For Class – III Lever: M.A and V.R < 1(always)


vii) Single Fixed Pulley

  1. Mechanical Advantage =1
  2. Velocity Ratio = 1
  3. Efficiency (η)=1 or 100%

ix) Single Movable Fulley

  1. Mechanical Advantage = 2
  2. Velocity Ratio = 2
  3. Efficiency (η) =1 or 100%

x) One fixed pulley and other movable pulleys

  1. Mechanical Advantage = 2n (where n = no of movable pulley)
  2. Velocity Ratio = 2n (where n = no of movable pulley)
  3. Efficiency (η) = 1 or 100%

xi) Block and tackle system

  1. Mechanical Advantage =n (where n = no of pulley)
  2. Velocity Ratio = n (where n = no of pulley )
  3. Efficiency (η) = 1 or 100%

xii) Effect of weight of pulley on M.A, V.R and n

  1. Mechanical Advantage = n – w/E
  2. Velocity Ratio = n
  3. Efficiency (η) = 1 – w/nE

Chapter - 4 : Refraction of Light at Plane Surface

Refractive Index (RI)

i) RI (μ) = sin\ i\over sin\ r

ii) RI (μ) = velocity\ of\ light\ in\ vacuum\over velocity\ of\ light\ in\ medium

iii) Relative RI (1μ2) = velocity\ of\ light\ in\ medium\ 1 \over velocity\ of\ light\ in\ medium\ 2

iv) Relative RI (1μ2) = μ_2\over μ_1

v) Velocity (V)  = f × λ

  • f = frequency
  • λ = wavelength

vi) Principal of reversibility: 1μ2 × 2μ1 = 1


i) Deviation (δ) = (i1 + i2)-(r1 + r2)

ii) r1+r=A

iii) Minimum Deviation (δmin) = 2i – A

  • Angle of incidence =i1
  • Angle of emergence =i2
  • Angle of prism = A
  • Angle of refraction at first surface =r1
  • Angle of refraction at first surface =r2

Real and Apparent Depth

i) Refractive Index (1μ2) = Real\ depth\over Apparent\ depth

ii) shift = Real Depth (1 – 1\over 1μ_2)

iii) Critical angle (C) : 1μ2 = 1 / sin C

Chapter - 5 : Refraction Through A Lens

Images formed by convex lens:

Position of the objectAt infinity
Position of imageAt F2
SizeHighly Diminished
NatureReal and Inverted
Position of the objectBeyond 2F1
At 2F1
Position of imageBetween F2 and 2F2
NatureReal and Inverted
Position of the objectAt 2F1
At 2F1
Position of imageAt F2
SizeSame size
NatureReal and Inverted
Position of the objectBetween F1 and 2F1
Between F1 and 2F1
Position of imageBeyond F2
NatureReal and Inverted
Position of the objectAt F1
At F1
Position of imageAt infinity
SizeHighly Magnified
NatureReal and Inverted
Position of the objectBetween F1 and O
between O and F1
Position of imageOn the same side of the lens as the object
NatureVirtual and erect

Images formed by concave lens:

Position of the objectAt Infinity
At infinity
Position of imageAt the focus, F2
SizeHighly diminished
NatureVirtual and erect
Position of the objectAnywhere in front of lens
Front of concave lense
Position of imageAt the focus, F2
SizeHighly diminished
NatureVirtual and erect

iii) Lens Formula: {1\over v} – {1\over u} = {1\over f}

  • u = object distance from the lens
  • v = image distance from the lens
  • f = focal length

iv) Linear Magnification (m) :

  1. m = size\ of\ image\over size\ of\ object
  2. m = Distance\ of\ image\ from\ the\ lens\over Distance\ of\ object\ from\ the\ lens

v) Power of Lens: P = 1\over f\ (in\ m)

  • Concave lens : – ve power
  • Convex lens : + ve power

Chapter - 7 : Sound

i) Relation Between time period and frequency of wave:

(a) Time Period (T) = 1/Frequency (f)

(b) Frequency (f) = 1/Time Period (T)

ii) Relation between velocity, frequency and wavelength of wave:

Velocity  (v) = frequency (f) × wavelength (λ)

iii) Echo of sound:

Depth of sea = velocity × time\over 2

iv) Height = t \sqrt{V^2-v^2}\over 2


  • V = Velocity of sound in air
  • v = velocity of aeroplane
  • t = time difference between sound and its echo

Chapter - 8 : Current Electricity

i) Electric potential difference:

(a) If ‘W’work is done to bring Q coulomb of positive charge from infinity to a particular point in an electric field,then the potential at that point,

V = W/Q

or, W = V.Q

(b) If W joule of work is done to move a coulomb of charge from a point A to another point B, then the difference between A and B,


ii) Electro-Motive Force (EMF):

If W work is done to move Q charge around a complete circuit, then EMF of the cell,


iii) Electric current :

If a charge Q flows through a cross-section of a conductor in t seconds, then the magnitude of current,


iv) Ohm’s law:

If the current flowing through the conductor is I when the potential difference across its two ends is V, then according to Ohm’s law, V =I.R where R is the resistance of the conductor.

v) EMF and internal resistance of a cell:

When I current is flowing through a closed circuit driven by a cell having emf E and internal resistance r, then terminal potential difference across the cell is given by, V =E – I.r, where I.r is known as lost volt.

vi) Resistance of a conductor:

Resistance (R) = ρ(l/a)

  • l = length
  • a = cross-section
  • ρ = resistivity or specific resistance

vii) Conductivity :

σ = 1/ρ = l/Ra

  • l = length
  • a = cross-section
  • ρ = resistivity or specific resistance

viii) Resistances connected in series :

When resistances R1, R2, and R3 are joined in series, the equivalent resistance,


ix) Resistances connected in parallel:

For a number of resistances like R1, R2, and R3 connected parallel, the equivalent resistance,

1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3

x) Cells in series

I = nE\over R + nr

  • n = Number of cells
  • R = External resistance
  • E = Emf cell
  • r = Internal resistance

xi) Cells in parallel

I = nE\over nR + r

  • n = Number of cells
  • R = External resistance
  • E = Emf cell
  • r = Internal resistance

xii) Joule’s Law of heating

H = I2Rt

  • H = Heat Produced
  • I = Current 
  • R = Resistance
  • t = time

xiii) Electrical Energy

(a) Work = Vit

(b) Work = I2Rt

(c) Work = {V^2\over R}t

xiv) Electrical Power

(a) Power = Work\over time

(b) Power = VIt\over t = VI

Chapter - 11 : Calorimetry

i) Fundamental principle of calorimetry

Heat lost by hot body = heat gained by cold body

ii) Heat necessary to raise the temperature of a body

Heat (Q) = m × s × Δt


  • m = mass of body
  • s = specific heat of material
  • Δt = change in temperature

iii) Thermal capacity:

  1. Formula: Thermal capacity (C) = mass (m) × Sp heat (s)
  2. unit: cal/ºC or J/K

iv) Latent Heat:

Heat (Q) = mass (m) × Latent Heat (L)

Chapter - 12 : Calorimetry

i) Radioactive transformations:

There are three types of radioactive transformation –

(a) α decay: zXAz-2YA-4 + 2He4 (α-particle)

(b) β decay: zXAz+1YA + -1βo (β-particle)

(c) γ decay: zXAzXA + γ

ii) Mass defect

For a nuclide  zXA, the mass defect

Δm = + (A – Z).mn – MN

  • mp = mass of proton
  • mn = mass of neutron
  • MN = mass of the nucleus
  • A = Mass number
  • Z = Atomic Number

Binding energy

(a) According to mass-energy equivalence, Binding energy,

ΔE = Δm. c2 = [ + (A – Z)mn MN]. c2

(b) 1 MeV = 1.6 × 10-13 J

(c) For 1 amu mass defect, binding energy E = 931 MeV.

Binding energy per nucleon:

B/A = Total\ binding\ energy\over Number\ of\ nucleon