Question Count: 573


What is the nature of V versus T graph according to Charles’ law.

Physical Science Behaviour of Gases WBBSE 1 2020


The V versus T graph according to Charles' law is a straight line.

Question ID: 249

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Write whether the following statement is true or false :  

Among copper, invar and iron the linear expansion coefficient of iron is the lowest.


What is the unit of volume expansion coefficient?

Physical Science Thermal Phenomena WBBSE 1 2020


False Explanation: Among copper, invar, and iron, invar has the lowest linear expansion coefficient, not iron. Invar is a special...

Question ID: 250

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


What is meant by the pole of a spherical mirror?

Physical Science Light WBBSE 1 2020


The pole of a spherical mirror is the geometric centre of the mirror's reflecting surface.

Question ID: 251

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Write down one use of x-ray.

Physical Science Atomic Nucleus WBBSE 1 2020


One use of X-rays is in medical imaging to diagnose fractures of bones.

Question ID: 252

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Name a machine where electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy.

Physical Science Concerns About Our Environment WBBSE 1 2020


A motor is a machine where electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy.

Question ID: 253

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Apart from the live wire, what are the two other wires in the household circuit? 

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 1 2020


Neutral wire and the earth (or ground) wire.

Question ID: 254

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Which kind of nuclear reaction produces energy in a nuclear reactor? 


Give an example of a natural radioactive element.

Physical Science Atomic Nucleus WBBSE 1 2020


Nuclear Fission is the kind of nuclear reaction that produces energy in a nuclear reactor. OR A natural radioactive element...

Question ID: 255

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Match the right column with the left column :  [1 × 4]

Left column Right column
2.11.1.  A transuranic element (a) Krypton
2.11.2.  A noble element (b) Neptunium
2.11.3. Prepared by carbon reduction of the oxide of the metal (c) Copper
2.11.4  In the alloy brass, the metal whose percentage amount is higher than that of the other metal (d) Zinc

Physical Science Periodic Table WBBSE 1 2020


2.11.1. A transuranic element - (b) Neptunium 2.11.2. A noble element - (a) Krypton 2.11.3. Prepared by carbon reduction of...

Question ID: 256

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Between chloroform and sodium chloride which is not soluble in water.

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 1 2020


Chloroform is not soluble in water. Sodium chloride (table salt) is highly soluble in water.

Question ID: 257

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Name a metal which is extracted by the process of electrolysis.


Which is the anode in the electroplating of silver on a brass spoon?

Physical Science Metallurgy WBBSE 1 2020


A metal that is extracted by the process of electrolysis is sodium. OR The anode in the electroplating of silver...

Question ID: 258

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Which energy causes chemical reaction during electrolysis? 

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 1 2020


The energy that causes chemical reactions during electrolysis is electrical energy.

Question ID: 259

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Show by the help of an appropriate litmus paper that the aqueous solution of ammonia is alkaline in nature. 


Fill up the blank :

NaOH + __ H2S     ->   __ + H2O  

Physical Science Inorganic Chemistry WBBSE 1 2020


When you add red litmus paper to an aqueous solution of ammonia, it turns blue, indicating that the solution is...

Question ID: 260

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024

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