Question Count: 573


State Avogadro’s law.

At a certain fixed temperature and pressure the molar volume (V/n) of the real gases are nearly equal and at STP the limit is 22.4 L mol-1. How Avogadro’s law can be arrived at from this information obtained from the experiment? [1 + 2]

Physical Science Behaviour of Gases WBBSE 3 2020


Avogadro’s Law: Avogadro's Law states that, at constant temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain an equal number of...

Question ID: 273

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


A and B react to produce C according to the following chemical equation

2A + B → C

A, B and C are the formulas for three gaseous substances. The vapour densities of A and B are 32 and 16 respectively. Find out the vapour density of C. [3]


According to the following chemical equation [3]

2ZnS  +  3O2  →  2ZnO  + 2SO2

From 100 mole of ZnS

  1. How many grams of ZnO, and
  2. How many moles of SO2 will be produced?

(Zn = 65.5,   S = 32,   O = 16).

Physical Science Chemical Calculation WBBSE 3 2020


For A: Vapour density of A = 32 Molar Mass of A (MA) = 2 × 32 = 64 For...

Question ID: 274

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Give an example of the volume expansion of a liquid on heating. The area of a solid substance at a temperature of T1K is A1 sq m and that at a temperature of T2K is A2 sq m. Write down the mathematical expression for the coefficient of area expansion with unit, of that solid substance.  [1+2]


Write down the three factors on which the conduction of heat through a solid substance depends.  [3]

Physical Science Thermal Phenomena WBBSE 3 2020


An example of volume expansion of a liquid is water when heated. As the temperature increases, the molecules gain kinetic...

Question ID: 275

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


What is the dispersion of light? Will there be a dispersion of white light within a glass slab after refraction when white light is incident on the glass slab at an angle of 45ºC?   [2+1]

Physical Science Light WBBSE 3 2020


Dispersion of Light is the process by which white light splits into its constituent colours when it passes through a...

Question ID: 276

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


The principal section of a prism is an equilateral triangle. If a ray of light is incident at an angle of 30o on one of the refracting surfaces and emerges at an angle of 45o from the other refracting surface, what is the angle of deviation?   [3]


What will be the velocity and wavelength of a light in a medium of refractive index 1.5 if the wavelength of that light is 6000 Å in air medium ?   [1+2]

Physical Science Light WBBSE 3 2020


Angle of incidence (i) = 30º Angle of emergence (e) = 45º A = 60º (equilateral triangle prism) Deviation (δ)...

Question ID: 277

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Two metallic conductors A and B of the same lengths have resistivities of 1.6 × 10-8  and 3.2 × 10-8  respectively. These two conductors are separately connected to the same potential difference. What should be the ratio of their cross sections in order to have the same current flowing through each of them? 


The series combination of two 10 ohm resistances is connected in parallel combination with a 20-ohm resistance. Determine the equivalent resistance of the final combination.  

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 3 2020


ρA ​= 1.6×10-8 Ω⋅m ρB​ = 3.2×10-8 Ω⋅m R =ρL\over A A_A\over A_B = ρ_A\over ρ_B Or, A_A\over A_B =...

Question ID: 278

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


What is meant by electrical power? The rating of a bulb is written as 220 V - 100 W - What is its meaning?   [1+2]

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 3 2020


Electrical power is the rate at which electrical energy is consumed or converted into other forms of energy. The rating...

Question ID: 279

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


From which part of the atom are the radioactive rays emitted? Which of the radioactive rays has the highest penetrating power and which has the highest ionising power?   [1+2]

Physical Science Atomic Nucleus WBBSE 3 2020


Radioactive rays are emitted from the nucleus of an atom. Penetrating Power and Ionizing Power Gamma rays have the highest...

Question ID: 280

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Mention the dissimilarity of properties of hydrogen with one property of group 1 elements and two properties of group 17 elements.  [1+2]


Arrange as directed :

a)   Na (11), K (19), Li (3), Rb (37) belonging to Group 1 of the long periodic table according to decreasing order of atomic radius.

b)  S(16), O (8), Te (52), Se (34) belonging to Group 16 of the long periodic table according to increasing order of electronegativity.

c)  Ca (20), Be (4), Sr (38), Mg (12) belonging to Group 2 of the long periodic table according to decreasing order of reducing power.

(The atomic numbers have been given within the first brackets after the symbols of the elements   [1+1+1]

Physical Science Periodic Table WBBSE 3 2020


Dissimilarity with Group 1 Elements: Hydrogen is a non-metal, whereas group 1 elements are metals. Dissimilarity with Group 17 Elements:...

Question ID: 281

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


On what basis electrolytes have been classified as strong and weak electrolytes? Give an example of a strong electrolyte.   [2+1]

Physical Science Electricity and Chemical Reaction WBBSE 3 2020


Electrolytes are classified as strong and weak based on their ability to dissociate into ions when dissolved in water. Strong...

Question ID: 282

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Write mentioning the name of the catalyst and condition, how nitric oxide is manufactured by oxidising ammonia with the help of aerial oxygen. Write also the balanced chemical equation of the reaction. [2+1]

Physical Science Inorganic Chemistry WBBSE 3 2020


Manufacturing of Nitric Oxide Process: Ammonia is oxidized with aerial oxygen to produce nitric oxide. Catalyst: Platinum (Pt) catalyst. Conditions:...

Question ID: 283

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Two different organic compounds A and B have the same molecular formula of C2H6O. A reacts with metallic sodium to produce hydrogen gas but B does not react with metallic sodium. Write structural formulas of the compounds A and B. Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction of A with metallic sodium. [2+1]


Write the condition for the reaction of the addition of hydrogen to ethylene. Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction.

Mention one use of CNG. [2+1]

Physical Science Organic Chemistry WBBSE 3 2020


Compounds A and B with the molecular formula C2H6O could be: Compound A Name - Ethanol Structural formula - CH3CH2OH...

Question ID: 284

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024

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