Question Count: 573


Write one characteristic of each of electrical heater wire and fuse wire.

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 2 2023


Electrical Heater Wire: Has a high resistance and High Melting Point. Fuse Wire: Has a low melting point and low...

Question ID: 393

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


Show by drawing a Lewis dot diagram of CH4 that CH4 is formed by covalent bonds. (Atomic numbers of H and C are 1 and 6 respectively)

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 2 2023


Lewis dot diagram of CH4 Carbon shares one of its four valence electrons with each of the four hydrogen atoms....

Question ID: 394

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


Show by the help of a property of sodium chloride that sodium chloride is composed of ions.


Show how ionic bond is formed in sodium chloride. (Atomic numbers of Na and CI are 11 and 17 respectively)

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 2 2023


Sodium chloride (NaCl) conducts electricity when dissolved in water, indicating it is composed of ions. Upon dissolution, NaCl dissociates into...

Question ID: 395

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


Write, with the balanced chemical equation, what happens when H2S gas is passed through an aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2.

Physical Science Inorganic Chemistry WBBSE 2 2023


When hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas is passed through an aqueous solution of lead(II) nitrate (Pb(NO3)2), a chemical reaction occurs that...

Question ID: 396

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


In the extraction of metal by the process of electrolysis at which electrode does the following reaction occur ?

M+ + e ⇌ M (M = Metal)

Is it an oxidation or a reduction reaction? Answer with reason.


Mention one use of aluminium. Why acidic foods should not be kept in an aluminium container?

Physical Science Metallurgy WBBSE 2 2023


The reaction occurs at the cathode during the process of electrolysis. This is a reduction reaction because it involves the...

Question ID: 397

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


How is polyethene produced by the polymerisation reaction of ethylene?


How can the following conversion be carried out?

HC = CH → CH3CH3

Physical Science Organic Chemistry WBBSE 2 2023


Polymerisation of ethylene: Ethylene is liquified at high pressure (1500-2000 atm). In the presence of catalysts such as peroxide, oxygen...

Question ID: 398

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


What is an ideal gas? What is the effect of the increase in temperature on the pressure of a gas kept in a closed container? Answer with reason.

[1 + 2]

Physical Science Behaviour of Gases WBBSE 3 2023


Gases which obey the PV=RT (for 1 mole) equation at all temperature and pressure are called ideal gases. The pressure...

Question ID: 399

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


On burning sulfur in oxygen, sulfur dioxide is produced

S + O2 → SO2

For producing 2240 L of SO2 at STP

(i) How many grams of sulfur and (ii) how many moles of O2 will be required? (0 = 16, S = 32) [3]


On burning 480 g of a solid compound in 352 g of oxygen, 320 g of another solid compound and a gaseous compound are produced. If the vapour density of the gaseous compound is 32, how many moles of the gaseous compound are formed? [3]

Physical Science Chemical Calculation WBBSE 3 2023


Balanced Chemical Equation: S        +      O2 →     SO2 32 g         1...

Question ID: 400

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


Define the coefficient of volume expansion of a solid and write its mathematical form. [1 + 2]


Give one example of each of the thermal expansion of solid, liquid and gaseous substances from everyday experience. [1 + 1 + 1]

Physical Science Thermal Phenomena WBBSE 3 2023


Definition: The coefficient of volume expansion of a solid is defined as the fractional increase in its volume per degree...

Question ID: 401

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


In the case of refraction if the angle of incidence is 45° and the refracted ray makes an angle of 60° with the normal, what will be the value of the angle of deviation?

If an object of 6 cm in length is placed at a distance of 2.4 cm in front of a convex lens, the image is formed at a distance of 4.8 cm from the lens. What are linear magnification and the length of the image? [1 + 2]


The velocity of light in the glass medium is 2 × 105 Kms-1 and the velocity of light in water medium is 2.25 × 105 Kms-1. Determine the ratio of refractive indices of glass and water medium.

Physical Science Light WBBSE 3 2023


Angle of incidence (i) = 45º Angle of refraction (r) = 60º Angle of deviation (δ) = i − r...

Question ID: 402

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


Write one use of each of the x-ray and ϒ-ray. Mention one harmful effect of γ-ray.

Physical Science Atomic Nucleus WBBSE 3 2023


Uses X-ray: X-rays are commonly used in medical imaging to visualize the internal structures of the body, such as bones...

Question ID: 403

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024


Two metallic wires A and B of the same length are made of the same material. The radius of wire A is double the radius of wire B. What is the ratio of resistances of the two wires? [3]


There are three 220V-60W electric lamps and two 220V-100W electric fans in the house. The electric lamps are lit for 5 hours a day and the fans are run for 10 hours a day. If the cost per B.O.T unit is Rupees 5, what will be the cost of electricity for 30 days?

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 3 2023


R = ρ l\over a or, R = ρ l\over πr^2 ⇒ R ∝  1\over r^2R_A\over R_B =...

Question ID: 404

Uploaded on: September 26, 2024

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