Question Count: 573


Fill in the blanks

The fine droplets of smoke, ashes, dust, pollen grains etc., suspended in the air are collectively called ____, which causes various lung diseases.

Life Science Environment and Human Pollution WBBSE 1 2018


Air pollution

Question ID: 513

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


State True or False:

Hypothalamus helps to maintain body balance in humans.

Life Science Nervous System WBBSE 1 2018


True. Explanation: The hypothalamus plays a crucial role in maintaining body balance in humans by regulating various physiological processes such...

Question ID: 514

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


State True or False:

In DNA, Adenine is linked with Guanine by hydrogen bonds.

Life Science Cell division and Cell cycle WBBSE 1 2018


False. Explanation: In DNA, adenine (A) is always paired with thymine (T) by two hydrogen bonds, and guanine (G) is...

Question ID: 515

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


State True or False:

In his monohybrid cross experiment, Mendel obtained 75% pure tall Pea Plants in the first filial generation.

Life Science Heredity WBBSE 1 2018


False. Explanation: In his monohybrid cross experiments, Mendel obtained a 100% pure tall phenotype in the first filial generation (F1)...

Question ID: 516

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


State True or False:

In Lamarck’s opinion, organisms can acquire any particular inheritable physical trait according to their need.

Life Science Evolution WBBSE 1 2018


False. Explanation: According to Lamarck's theory of evolution, organisms can acquire certain traits during their lifetime through use and disuse,...

Question ID: 517

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


State True or False:

Acid rain is caused by SO2 and NO2 gases formed due to air pollution. 

Life Science Environment and Human Pollution WBBSE 1 2018


True. Explanation: Acid rain is primarily caused by the emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gases into...

Question ID: 518

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


State True or False:

Auxin helps the seed to germinate by breaking of dormancy.

Life Science Plant Hormone WBBSE 1 2018


False Explanation: Cytokinin and gibberellin are growth promoters that help in breaking seed dormancy when the conditions are appropriate and...

Question ID: 519

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Match the right column with the left column: (Any five):

Column A Column B
2.13) CSF a) Large colloidal aggregates
2.14) Crossing over b) Active participation of local peoples in the restoration of forests.
2.15) Haemophilia c) Meiosis
2.16) Coacervate d) Movement of daughter chromosomes towards the poles
2.17) JFM e) The disorder is caused by a recessive gene located in human X-chromosomes
2.18) Grafting f) Supplies nutrients to brain cells
g) Stock and scion

Life Science Heredity WBBSE 1 2018


2.13 - (f). 2.14 - (c). 2.15 - (e), 2.16 - (a), 2.17 - (b), 2.18 - (g)

Question ID: 520

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Choose the odd one and write it:

Dwarfism, Goiter, Thalassemia, Diabetes, Mellitus

Life Science Animal Hormones WBBSE 1 2018


The odd one is Goiter. Reason: Dwarfism, Thalassemia, and Diabetes Mellitus are genetic or metabolic disorders. Goiter is a condition...

Question ID: 521

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Mention one function of the lens of the human eyeball

Life Science Nervous System WBBSE 1 2018


The Lens of the eyeball helps to focus the light onto the retina.

Question ID: 522

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


A pair of related terms is given below. On the basis of the relationship in the first pair write the suitable word in the gap of the second pair.

Mitosis: Radicle::  ____ : spore mother cell

Life Science Cell division and Cell cycle WBBSE 1 2018



Question ID: 523

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


In the case of guineapig whether the phenotype of the two genotypes bbRR and bbRr is same?

Life Science Heredity WBBSE 1 2018


Yes, the phenotype of the two genotypes bbRR and bbRr in guinea pigs would be the same.

Question ID: 524

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024

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