Question Count: 573


Write the name of two genetic diseases which are expressed in human populations.

Life Science Some Common Genetic Diseases WBBSE 2 2019


Colour blindness and Haemophilia are the two genetic diseases expressed in the human population.

Question ID: 597

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Tigers are extinct but there are many deer in the jungle. A few tigers are brought from another sanctuary and released in such a jungle. Imagine and write the names of different kinds of struggle for existence those tigers have to be involved in.

Life Science Biodiversity and Its Conservation WBBSE 2 2019


Interspecific and Intraspecific struggle.

Question ID: 598

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Describe any two adaptations in the Sundari plant for tolerance of salt.

Life Science Adaptation WBBSE 2 2019


The following are the two adaptations in the Sundari plant for tolerance of salt: Sundari plants possess succulent leaves and...

Question ID: 599

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Explain how the chimpanzees hunt termites for food.

Life Science Adaptation WBBSE 2 2019


Chimpanzees are quite clever and can prepare a tool with a small tree branch. After defoliating the tip of the...

Question ID: 600

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


List the harmful effects of the following pollutants

  1. Greenhouse gas
  2. SPM
  3. Chemical fertilizers used in agriculture
  4. Non-biodegradable chemical insecticide

Life Science Environment and Human Pollution WBBSE 2 2019


Greenhouse gas: Causes global warming, climate change, and sea-level rise. SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter): Leads to respiratory problems, heart disease,...

Question ID: 601

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Give one example of exotic species causing damage to local biodiversities in each terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem.

Life Science Biodiversity and Its Conservation WBBSE 2 2019


(i) European gipsy math, (ii) European starting (i) Zebra Musscle (ii) Chinese Mittuch crab

Question ID: 602

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Write the in-situ conservation measures taken for one endangered reptile species and name one site of such conservation in West Bengal.

Life Science Biodiversity and Its Conservation WBBSE 2 2019


The crocodile reserve project was started. The Bhagabatpur Crocodile Reserve project is situated in West Bengal to conserve crocodiles.

Question ID: 603

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


“Poaching is one of the fundamental causes of endangeredness of animal diversity in India” Assess four causes for which animals are poached in India.

Life Science Biodiversity and Its Conservation WBBSE 2 2019


(i) Food (ii) Skin (iii) Horns (iv) Ivory etc

Question ID: 604

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Draw a neat diagram of a neurone and label the following parts : 

  1. Dendron
  2. Node of Ranvier
  3. Myelin sheath
  4. Schwann cell


Life Science Nervous System WBBSE 5 2019


Diagram of a neurone

Question ID: 605

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Draw a neat diagram of the anaphase of mitosis of an animal cell and label the following parts : 

  1. Polar region
  2. Spindle
  3. Chromatid
  4. Centromere


Life Science Cell division and Cell cycle WBBSE 5 2019


The diagram of the anaphase

Question ID: 606

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Write one function of each of the following five parts of a neurone: - 

  1. Dendron
  2. Cell body
  3. Axon
  4. Myelin sheath
  5. Schwann

(For Sightless Candidates Only)


Life Science Nervous System WBBSE 5 2019


Dendrites: Receive electrical signals from other neurons. Cell body: Contains the nucleus and other organelles. Axon: Transmits electrical signals to other neurons. Myelin...

Question ID: 607

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Mention three changes that occur in the anaphase stage of mitosis in animal cells. Write the name of any two structural parts of the eukaryotic chromosome.


Life Science Cell division and Cell cycle WBBSE 5 2019


Here are three changes that occur in the anaphase stage of mitosis in animal cells: The sister chromatids separate and...

Question ID: 608

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024

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