Question Count: 573


Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

  1. methane
  2. water vapour
  3. carbon dioxide
  4. oxygen

Physical Science Concerns About Our Environment WBBSE 1 2017


d. Oxygen Explanation: Greenhouse gases, such as methane, water vapour, and carbon dioxide, trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere and...

Question ID: 31

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


Which of the following is the SI unit of pressure?

  1. Nm2
  2. Nm-2
  3. Nm
  4. N

Physical Science Behaviour of Gases WBBSE 1 2017


b. Nm-2

Question ID: 32

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


The vapour density of a gas is 32. Which of the following is its molecular weight?

  1. 8
  2. 16
  3. 32
  4. 64

Physical Science Behaviour of Gases WBBSE 1 2017


c. 32 Explanation: The molecular weight of the gas is 2 × 32 = 64

Question ID: 33

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


On which of the following does the thermal conductivity of a metal depend?

  1. temperature
  2. length
  3. nature of the material
  4. area of cross-section

Physical Science Thermal Phenomena WBBSE 1 2017


c. nature of the material Explanation: Thermal conductivity is a property intrinsic to the material itself, reflecting how well it...

Question ID: 34

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


What is the relation between the radius of curvature and the focal length of a mirror?

  1. f = 2r
  2. f = r/2
  3. f = r/3
  4. f = 2r/3

Physical Science Light WBBSE 1 2017


b. f = r/2

Question ID: 35

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


Which of the following physical quantities represents ampere?

(a) coulomb-second

(b) volt per ohm

(c) volt ohm

(d) ohm per volt

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 1 2017


b. volt/ohm Explanation: According to Ohm's Law, I = V/R , where I is the current in amperes, V is...

Question ID: 37

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


The resistivity of which of the following decreases with increase in temperature?

  1. conductor
  2. semiconductor
  3. superconductor
  4. insulator

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 1 2017


b. semiconductor Explanation: In semiconductors, as temperature increases, more electrons gain enough energy to move from the valence band to...

Question ID: 38

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


Which of the following is the correct order of ionising power for α, β and γ rays?

  1. α > β > γ
  2. α > γ > β
  3. γ > β > α
  4. β > α >γ

Physical Science Atomic Nucleus WBBSE 1 2017


a. α > β > γ. Explanation: Alpha (α) particles have the highest ionizing power because they are large, heavy,...

Question ID: 39

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


Which of the following has the highest atomic radius ?

  1. K
  2. H
  3. Li
  4. Na

Physical Science Periodic Table WBBSE 1 2017


a. K Explanation: Atomic radius increases as you move down a group in the periodic table because additional electron shells...

Question ID: 40

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


In which of the following a covalent bond is present?

  1. hydrogen chloride
  2. sodium chloride
  3. lithium hydride
  4. calcium oxide

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 1 2017


(a) Hydrogen chloride Explanation: In hydrogen chloride, the bond between hydrogen and chlorine is a covalent bond, where electrons are...

Question ID: 42

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


Which of the following is a weak electrolyte in aqueous solution?

  1. CH3COOH
  2. NaOH
  3. H2SO4
  4. NaCl

Physical Science Electricity and Chemical Reaction WBBSE 1 2017


a. CH3COOH Explanation: A weak electrolyte is a substance that only partially ionizes in solution. Acetic acid (CH₃COOH) is a...

Question ID: 43

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024


Which of the following is used to dry moist ammonia?

  1. conc.H₂SO₄
  2. P₂O₅
  3. CaO
  4. CaCl₂

Physical Science Ammonia WBBSE 1 2017


b. P₂O₅ Explanation: Phosphorus pentoxide is a powerful desiccant that effectively absorbs water from gases, including ammonia.

Question ID: 44

Uploaded on: September 9, 2024

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