Question Count: 573


State Lenz’s law related to electromagnetic induction.

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 2 2018


Lenz law states that the direction of the induced e.m.f. is such as to oppose the cause of induction or...

Question ID: 140

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


Write with an example of how according to Lewis’s concept a covalent bond is formed.


Why the bond in sodium chloride can’t be expressed as Na-Cl?

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 2 2018


According to Lewis’s concept, a covalent bond is formed when two atoms share a pair of electrons. For example, in...

Question ID: 141

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


Give one example each of a liquid and a solid covalent compound.

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 2 2018


Liquid covalent compound: Bromine (Br2) Solid covalent compound: Diamond (a form of carbon)

Question ID: 142

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


Write with a balanced chemical equation what happens when H2S gas is passed through an aqueous copper sulphate solution.

Physical Science Inorganic Chemistry WBBSE 1 2018


When H2S gas is passed through an aqueous copper sulfate (CuSO4) solution, it reacts to form copper sulfide (CuS) and...

Question ID: 143

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


Write down the cathode reaction when an aqueous solution of MSO4 (M=metal) is electrolysed. Write with reason whether the reaction is oxidation or reduction.


Give one use of each copper and aluminium.

Physical Science Electricity and Chemical Reaction WBBSE 2 2018


When an aqueous solution of MSO4 (where M is a metal) is electrolyzed, the cathode reaction is: M2+(aq) + 2e−...

Question ID: 144

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


What is the condition of the substitution reaction of methane with chloride? Write the balanced chemical equation of the first step of the reaction.


Write with a balanced chemical equation what happens when ethanol reacts with metallic sodium.

Physical Science Organic Chemistry WBBSE 2 2018


In the substitution reaction of methane with chlorine, the condition required is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light or high temperatures....

Question ID: 145

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


Establish an ideal gas equation on the basis of Boyle’s law, Charles’ law and Avogadro’s law.

Physical Science Behaviour of Gases WBBSE 3 2018


The state of any gas can be completely be described by four variables such as pressure (P), Volume (V), Absolute...

Question ID: 146

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


SO2 required for the industrial production of sulphuric acid is produced by burning iron pyrites in excess air current. The chemical equation of the reaction is given below:

4FeS2 + 11O2 → 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2

How many grams of FeS2 is required for the production of 512 grams of SO2?

(Fe=56, S=32, O=16)


By heating 200 grams of a metal carbonate 112 grams of metal oxide and a gaseous compound are processed. The vapour density of the gaseous compound is 22. How many molecules of the gaseous compound are processed in the reaction?

Physical Science Chemical Calculation WBBSE 3 2018


Balanced Chemical Eq 4FeS2 + 11O2 → 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2 480 g                 ...

Question ID: 147

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


What is thermal conductivity? What is its SI unit?


Define the coefficient of surface expansion. Write its SI unit.

Physical Science Thermal Phenomena WBBSE 3 2018


The thermal conductivity of a material is the amount of heat which when passes normally in one second through the...

Question ID: 148

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


How can an erect and magnified image be formed with the help of a convex lens? With the help of which type of lens long-sightedness can be rectified?

Physical Science Light WBBSE 3 2018


When the object is placed between focus and the optical centre, an erect and magnified image be formed with the...

Question ID: 149

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


If the velocity of light in a medium is 2×108 m/s, what will be the refractive index of that medium?


The refractive index of a medium with respect to air is √2. If the angle of incidence of a ray of light in air is 45° determine the angle of deviation for that ray in case of refraction.

Physical Science Light WBBSE 3 2018


The R.I of a medium is given by, μ  = Velocity of light in vacuum/Velocity of light in the medium...

Question ID: 150

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024


Write Joule’s law related to the heating effect of current.

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 3 2018


Joule’s law of heating : If H amount of heat is produced in a conductor of resistance R, when a...

Question ID: 151

Uploaded on: September 15, 2024

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