Essay writing

Personal Narrative essay example

A personal narrative essay is a form of creative nonfiction that tells a story from the writer’s own life. It typically includes a plot, characters, setting, and climax, as well as a resolution.

Example: “The Day I Took a Stand”

I was a timid and shy child, always afraid to speak up and stand up for myself. But that all changed on a hot summer day in the third grade.

It was the first day of school and my classmates and I were sitting in our desks, waiting for our teacher to arrive. But when she walked in, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Ms. Smith was not the kind and gentle teacher I had hoped for. She was strict and demanding, and she seemed to take pleasure in picking on me and my classmates.

I tried to ignore her cruel words and actions, but it was hard to do. And as the days went by, I found myself becoming more and more withdrawn and unhappy. I knew I had to do something, but I didn’t know what.

One day, as Ms. Smith was berating me in front of the class, I finally snapped. I stood up from my desk and said, “I will not tolerate this kind of treatment. I am a human being and I deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.”

My classmates were shocked, but I could see a glimmer of hope in their eyes. And as I walked out of the classroom, I felt a sense of pride and empowerment that I had never felt before.

From that day on, I was no longer the timid and shy child I had been. I had taken a stand, and it had changed my life forever. I had learned that I had a voice, and that it was important to use it when it mattered most.

In this personal narrative essay, the writer tells a story of a moment in their life when they took a stand and stood up for themselves. They use vivid details and descriptive language to create a clear setting and characters. They also use the plot to build towards a climax and resolution, where the writer learns an important lesson. The writer is also using the narrative to show personal growth and change.

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