Read the following passage and fill in the chart with information from the passage:
Salmon is a fish that lives along the coast. Salmon is born in fresh water and migrates to the ocean. A salmon returns to freshwater to lay eggs. After coming out from the egg, a baby salmon stays for six months to three years in freshwater. A salmon can make long journeys, sometimes moving hundreds of miles upstream against a strong current.
(1) Name of the fish
(2) Place where it is found
(3) It migrates to
(4) Where it lays eggs
(5) Time spent in freshwater
(6) Distance travelled by a salmon
- Name of the fish: Salmon
- Place where it is found: Along the coast
- It migrates to: The ocean
- Where it lays eggs: Freshwater
- Time spent in freshwater: Six months to three years
- Distance travelled by a salmon: Sometimes hundreds of miles upstream against a strong current.