
Give reason : The inclination of the Earth’s axis has a great impact on seasonal changes on the Earth




The inclination of the Earth’s axis has a great impact on seasonal changes on the Earth. Give reason


The inclination of the Earth’s axis causes the angle at which the Sun’s rays hit the Earth’s surface to vary, leading to changes in the amount of daylight and the variation in the angle of incidence of sunlight throughout the year. During the summer solstice, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, resulting in longer days and shorter nights, while the opposite is true during the winter solstice. These changes in daylight and angle of incidence of sunlight also impact weather patterns, with areas receiving more sunlight and daylight tending to be warmer and experiencing more precipitation, while areas receiving less tend to be cooler and drier. This leads to the seasonal changes in temperature and precipitation that are characteristic of different regions on Earth. The variation in the amount of daylight is most noticeable at the poles, where there are periods of continuous daylight and continuous darkness depending on the time of year.

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