Observe the following figures. (i) Identify the stages a to d in above figures during development of human baby. (ii) Arrange the stages in correct sequence of development. (iii) Explain the development that takes place in any one stage.(a) (b) (c) (d) Open Answer »
Hens and frogs are both oviparous exhibiting different types of fertilisation. Explain. Open Answer »
After observing above figure, answer the following.(i) Read the following statements and label them in the figure. (a) The part which produces female gametes. (b) The part where development of the baby takes place. (c) The part through which the developing embryo passes to reach the uterus. (ii) Explain the future development of the embryo that would take place after it gets embedded in the uterus. Open Answer »
Observe the figure given below and answer the questions that follow.a. Label A and B. b. Identify the process. c. What happens during this process and what is formed? Open Answer »
Mother gives birth to a baby but the baby has characters of both parents. How is this possible? Open Answer »