
SAQ : Describe refraction through a prism and establish the relation δ = i1 + i2 – A




Describe refraction through a prism and establish the relation δ = i1 + i2 – A.


The angle of deviation (δ): The angle between the direction of the incident ray and the emergent ray is called the angle of deviation.

To prove δ = (i1 + i2) – A : 

image L2PDEdg

In fig, ∠ LMQ = ∠ MPQ + ∠ MQP

∴   Angle of deviation (δ) = δ1 + δ2 —- (i)

Since ∠ MPN = i1 and ∠ MQN = i2

∴   ∠ MPQ = δ1 = i1 – r1

and    ∠ MQP  = δ2 = i2 – r2

∴  From eq (i), δ = (i1 – r1) – (i2 – r2)

or,       δ = (i1 + i2) – (r1 + r2)—- (ii)

Also from the quadrilateral APNQ in fig

∠ APN = ∠ AQN = 90o

∴ ∠ PNQ + ∠ PAQ = 180o

or,   ∠ PNQ = 180o – A (∵ ∠ PAQ = A) —-(iii)

But in Δ PNQ,

∠ PNQ = 180o – (r1 + r2)

∴ From eq (ii) and (iii),

A =  r1 + r2 —-(iv)

Hence from eq (i) and (iv)

δ = (i1 + i2) – A (Proved).

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