WBBHSC Class 12 Environmental Studies Higher Secondary Examination 2020
Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes
(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing)Â
Full Marks – 80
PART – B [Marks: 40]
1. Select the correct answer out of the options given against each question and write in the box provided on the right-hand side bottom : [1 × 24 = 24]
(i) The main cause of increase in soil acidity is—
- application of excess chemical fertilizer
- application of excess biofertilizer
- excessive land erosion
- all are correct
(ii) As per 1974 survey, approximately what percentage of cropland in northern Nigeria was prevalent with ‘Mixed Farming’?
- Over 80%
- Less than 40%
- 20%
- None of these
(iii) Approximately what percentage of nutrients remain stored above the ground in temperate-zone forests?
- 3%
- 20%
- 50%
- none of these
(iv) In which country was the ‘Convention on Biodiversity’ (C.B.D) held?
- Iran
- South Africa
- India
- Brazil
(v) What is the present total number of threatened plant species in India?
- 1336
- 39
- 72
- 17
(vi) In which year was the ‘Indian Forests Act’ promulgated?
- 1956
- 1970
- 1927
- 1932
(vii) In which year was the ‘Atomic Energy Act’ promulgated in India?
- 1962
- 2002
- 1929
- None of these
(viii) Bt crop is a type of—
- hybrid crop
- natural crop
- genetically modified crop
- none of these
(ix) In which year was the first ‘Conference on Human Environment’ held at Stockholm?
- 1972
- 1992
- 2005
- 1987
(x) The smallest unit in the classification of organisms is—
- Class
- Family
- Species
- Genus
(xi) Who first coined the word ‘biodiversity’?
- E. O. Wilson
- E. Haeckel
- A. Tansley
- R. Carson
(xii) How many people in the world face death out of pesticide poisoning every year?
- 20,000
- 40,000
- 60,000
- None of these
(xiii) How much area of global land is getting lost due to soil erosion every year?
- 180 lakh hectares
- 30 lakh hectares
- 40 lakh hectares
- 5 lakh hectares
(xiv) What is the difference between the day lengths of ‘tropical’ and ‘temperate’ countries in the summer period?
- 4 hours
- 2 hours
- 1 hour
- 3 hours
(xv) Where is the primitive plant ‘Citrus Indict found in India?
- Tura district (Meghalaya)
- Purulia district (West Bengal)
- Ranchi district (Jharkhand)
- All are correct
(xvi) Approximately how many species of bacteria are found in India?
- 451
- 258
- 850
- None of these
(xvii) What is the permissible range of pH in drinking water as per ‘IS : 10500’?
- 6.5 – 8.5
- 5.5 – 7.5
- 7.5 -10.5
- 5.5 – 6.5
(xviii) What is the maximum permissible limit of noise at night time in a residential area?—
- 75 dB (A)
- 55 dB (A)
- 50 dB (A)
- 45 dB (A)
(xix) Approximately what percentage of the world’s total faunal wealth is found in India?—
- 12 .4
- 20.4
- 6.4
- None of these
(xx) What percentage of Goa’s total land area is covered by mines?
- 30
- 14
- 5
- 21
(xxi) How many species of flowering plants are found in Andaman- Nicobar Islands?
- 1500
- 1700
- 2000
- None of these
(xxii) What was the main reason for the destruction of the Maya civilization?
- Meteoritic shower
- Famine
- Climate change
- All are correct
(xxiii) How many plant species are found in North-East India only?
- 1000
- 1500
- 2500
- 200
(xxiv) What was the main theme of the ‘Brundtland Commission’ Report?
- Sustainable development
- Continuous expansion of agriculture
- Continuous expansion of industries
- Continuous expansion of education
2. Answer the following questions in very brief (Alternatives are to be noted): [1 × 16 = 16]
- What is ‘Rhizobium’? Or; Give one example of biological pest control.
- What is ‘Glomus’? Or; What is ‘Agroforestry’?
- What is ‘Humus’? Or; Give an example of a leguminous plant.
- State the role of earthworms in the soil. Or; What is ‘Azospirillum’?
- What is the full form of ‘D.D.T.’? Or; State the importance of ‘Trichoderma’.
- What is the importance of ‘blue-green algae’ in the environment?
- What type of pollution arises due to excessive irrigation on land?
- What is the scientific name of the ‘Siris’ plant? Or; What do you mean by ‘rare’ animal species?
- Give an example of a toxic metal found in soil.
- What do you mean by ‘Fossil-Fuel Age’?
- What do you mean by ‘Sustainable Economy’?
- What is a ‘Megabiodiversity Nation’? Or; Where are coral reefs found in India?
- What is ‘Genetic Biodiversity’? Or; What is a ‘World Heritage Site’?
- What is the full form of ‘R.S.P.M.’?
- What is the full form of ‘C.I.T.E.S’?
- What is ‘bio-accumulation’?
PART Â Â A [Marks: 40]
1. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): [ 8 × 5 = 40]
(i) Write a short note on the ‘Biosphere Reserves’ of India. What is a ‘Tissue Bank’? 6 + 2
Or; Write a short note on ‘Wildlife Trade’. What is a ‘Gene Resource Centre’? 6+2
(ii) Discuss the major steps that are needed for environmental protection in India.
Or; State any for resolutions adopted in the Earth Summit (1992).
(iii) Explain, with the help of a diagram, the relationship between ‘ecological development’ and ‘socio-economic development’.
(iv) Discuss the role of governmental and non-governmental organizations in achieving sustainable development in India.
(v) Explain the role of ‘agro-chemicals’ on the environment.
Or; Explain the necessity of ‘sustainable agriculture’ in India.