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WBBHSC Class 12 Modern Computer Application Higher Secondary Examination 2017

WBBHSC Class 12 Modern Computer Application Higher Secondary Examination 2017

WBBHSC Class 12 Modern Computer Application Higher Secondary Examination 2017

Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes

(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing) 

Full Marks – 70

PART – B [Mark-35]

1. Find out the correct answer out of the options given against each question : [1 × 21 = 21]

(i) In MS-Excel, is displayed just below the title bar—

  1. Name box
  2. Active cell
  3. Split bar
  4. Ribbon

(ii) Which of the following is a valid relationship?—

  1. One to zero
  2. One to one
  3. Zero to one
  4. Zero to zero

(iii) At least two tables are required to make which of the following key?—

  1. Primary key
  2. Alternate key
  3. Candidata key
  4. Foreign key

(iv) Which of the following statement is used to delete a schema of a database?—

  1. Del
  2. Drop
  3. Delete
  4. Remove

(v) Which of the following tag is used in HTML to arrange a list in a serial order?—

  1. <UL>
  2. <LI>
  3. <OL>
  4. All of these

(vi) Which of the following is an example of Empty Tag?—

  1. <B>
  2. <HR>
  3. <I>
  4. <title>

(vii) How many octets are there in a Net ID of Class ‘C’ IP address?—

  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 32
  4. 4

(viii) What will be the sum expression of a Half-Adder for input variables A and B?—

  1. AB
  2. A B + AB
  3. A B + AB
  4. A + B

(ix) A two-input NAND gate having input variables A and B produces an output, which is given as input to another NAND gate again, then the final output which we found is equal to the following gate—

  1. OR
  2. AND
  3. NAND
  4. NOR

(x) Which of the following is used to represent data of a table in MS-Access?—

  1. Form
  2. Report
  3. Data View Sheet
  4. Design View

(xi) The output of a 2-input XNOR gate with input A and B is given by—

  1. AB
  2. A B + AB
  3. A B + AB
  4. A + B

(xii) Which of the following is a valid data type in MS Access?—

  1. Integer
  2. Currency
  3. Floating number
  4. Object data

(xiii) In MS-Excel, when data of a worksheet is converted onto a diagram, then it is known as—

  1. Form
  2. Chart
  3. Picture
  4. Table

(xiv) Which symbol is used to represent a ‘cartesian Product’ operation in Relational Algebra?—

  1. ρ
  2. π
  3. σ
  4. ×

(xv) In a E-R diagram of a database, a rectangle represents—

  1. an entity
  2. an attribute
  3. a relationship
  4. a key

(xvi) The number of attributes in a particular relation is called—

  1. Cardinality
  2. Domain
  3. Degree
  4. Tuple

(xvii) Which of the following tag is used to give the background colour in a webpage?—


(xviii) Which of the following is not a web browser?—

  1. Netscape Navigator
  2. Google Chrome
  3. Google com
  4. Mozilla Firefox

(xix) Which of the following device is basically used to extend a LAN?—

  1. Bridge
  2. Router
  3. Repeater
  4. Switch

(xx) How many bits are there in an output of an Octal to Binary Encoder circuit?—

  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 3
  4. 15

(xxi) The NOR gate is the complement of which of the following?—

  1. AND
  2. OR
  3. NOT
  4. NAND

2. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): [1 × 14 = 14]

  1. Write down the truth table of the XOR gate.
  2. What do you mean by bandwidth? OR, What is Network interface card (NIC)?
  3. What is TCP/IP? OR, Define firewall.
  4. What is the purpose of <TITLE> tag in HTML?
  5. What is the function of <C0MMENT> tag in HTML? OR, What is the function of <TH> tag in HTML?
  6. What is an attribute?
  7. Write a feature of ‘Memo’ data type in MS-Access. OR, What is the purpose to show table dialog in MS-Access?
  8. Design an OR gate using NAND gate.
  9. Write the truth table of Half Substractor. OR, Define De-MUX.
  10. Write two features of Star topology. OR, How many links are needed to create a Mesh topology with 10 devices?
  11. Write two functions of web browser. OR, Write two advantages of Social Networking.
  12. Write two attribute names of <FONT>tag in HTML. OR, Write the syntax to display any text at the centre of a webpage in HTML,
  13. Define Data Dictionary. OR, Define a Primary key.
  14. Write the syntax of If function in MS-Excel.
  15. What is the purpose of Now ( ) function in MS-Excel?

PART-A [Mark-35]

Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): [7 × 5 = 35]

Question 1

  1. Derive the logical expression for the borrow output of the full subtractor circuit. Draw the logic diagram of it.
  2. Why is the control line required in a Multiplexer?


  1. Write the truth table of 3 to 8 line Decoder and also draw the block diagram
  2. Construct a Full-Adder using two Half-Adder. (2 + 2) + 3

Question 2

  1. What do you mean by marquee tag in HTML?
  2. What do you mean by hyperlink in HTML?
  3. How many types of heading tags are there in HTML and what are those? Which tag is to be used to give the smallest size heading?
  4. Write the syntax to make the thickness of the border as ‘5’ of a table. 2 + 2+ (1½ + ½) + 1


Using HTML code create a web page where the following features will be shown :

  1. Give the title of the web page as ‘This is a webpage’.
  2. Give a heading into the web page as ‘Study Materials’.
  3. Make the following list and also link an individual web page with each item of that list :
  • Book
  • Diary
  • Pen

Assume that, Book.html will be linked with the ‘Book’ item. Diary, HTML will be linked with the ‘Diary’ item and Pen.html will be linked with the ‘Pen’ item.

1 + 1 + (2 + 3)

Question 3

  1. Define foreign Key with an example.
  2. What do you mean by ‘insertion anomaly’ in a database?
  3. Explain ‘Natural join’ with an example.
  4. What do you mean by Entity in a database? 2 + 2 + 2 + 1


Using SQL command do the following tasks :

Table: Student scholar

Scholar id Scholar Name Subject Stipend Research Institute
S001 A. Chatterjee Physics 28.000 ABC
S002 B. Roy Math 35.000 XYZ
S003 P. Das Chemistry 30.000 PQR
S004 W. Ahmed Computer


28.000 XYZ
S005 S. Sinha Physics 25,000 ABC


  1. Show the record of Scholars of subjects ‘physics’ and ‘computer science’.
  2. Show the name and subject to the scholars whose id are in between ‘Soo2’ to ‘S004’.
  3. show the detail of all scholars who are not working in the ‘ABC’ institute. 3 + 2 + 2

Question 4

(a) Do the following tasks using MS-Excel :

  • Add a new worksheet in a workbook.
  • Insert a new column in a table.

(b) Write the steps to hide and unhide a row in MS-excel. (2 + 2) + 3


  1. What is the purpose of Autofill in MS-Excel?
  2. In MS-Excel, what are the functions of SUM ( ), MAX ( ) and COUNT ()? 1 + (2 × 3)

Question 5

  1. Write the steps to make an Auto Form in MS-Access.
  2. Write the procedure to delete the data of a table in MS-Access. 4 + 3


  1. How will you make a Report in MS-Access?
  2. Write the procedure to updata the data of a table in MS-Access. 4 + 3

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