Chapter – 19 : Co-ordinate Geometry : Internal And External Division Of Straight Line Segment | Chapter Solution Class 9

Internal And External Division Of Straight Line
Book Name : Ganit Prakash
Subject : Mathematics (Maths)
Class : 9 (Madhyamik/WB)
Publisher : Prof. Nabanita Chatterjee
Chapter Name : Internal And External Division Of Straight Line Segment (19th Chapter)

Let us work out – 19

1. Find the Co-ordinate of the point which divides the line segment joining two points in the given ratio of the following:

(i) (6, -14) and (-8, 10); in the ratio 3 : 4 internally

(ii) (5, 3) and (-7, -2); in the ratio 2 : 3 internally

(iii) (-1, 2) and (4, -5); in the ratio 3 : 2 externally

(iv) (3, 2) and( (6, 5); in the ratio 2 : 1 externally


IMG 3667

(i) The Co-ordinate of the point which divides the line joining the points (6, -14) and (-8, 10) in the ratio of 3 : 4 internally is

=(\frac{3(-8)+4.6}{3+4}, \frac{3 \cdot 10+4(-14)}{3+4}) \\

=(\frac{-24+24}{7}, \frac{30-56}{7}) \\

=(\frac{0}{7},-\frac{26}{7}) \\

=(0, \frac{-26}{7})

(6, -14)

\therefore Required Co-ordinate is (0,-\frac{26}{7}) (Ans)

(ii) The Co-ordinate of the point which divides the line joining the points (5, 3) and (-7, -2) in the ratio 2 : 3 internally

=(\frac{2 .(-7)+3(5)}{2+3}, \frac{2 \cdot(-2)+33}{2+3}) \\

=(\frac{-14+15}{5}, \frac{-4+9}{5}) \\

=(\frac{-14+15}{5}, \frac{-4+9}{5}) \\

=(\frac{1}{5}, \frac{5}{5})\\

(\frac{1}{5}, 1) (Ans)

(iii) The Co-ordinate of the point which divides the lines joining the point (-1, 2) and (4, -5) in the ratio of 3 : 2 externally is

= (\frac{3.4-2 \cdot(-1)}{3-2}, \frac{3 \cdot(-5)-2(2)}{3-2})

=(\frac{12+2}{1}, \frac{-15-4}{1})


= (14, -19)

\therefore Required Co-ordinates is (14, -19) (Ans)

(iv) The Co-ordinates of the point which divides the line joining the point (3, 2) and (6, 5) in the ratio of 2 : 1 externally

=(\frac{2.6-1.3}{2-1}, \frac{2.5-1.2}{2-1})

=(\frac{12-3}{1}, \frac{10-2}{1})

=(9, 8)

\therefore Required Co-ordinate is (9, 8) (Ans)

2. Find the Co-ordinate of midpoint of line segment joining two points for the following

(i) (5, 4) and (3, -4)

(ii) (6, 0) and (0, 7)


(i) Midpoint of line segment joining two points (5, 4) and (3, -4) is

=(\frac{5+3}{2}, \frac{4-4}{2})

=(\frac{8}{2}, \frac{0}{2})

= (4, 0)

\therefore Required Co-ordinate is (4, 0) (Ans)

(ii) Midpoint of the line segment joining two points (6, 0) and (0, 7)

=(\frac{6+0}{2}, \frac{0+7}{2})

=(\frac{6}{2}, \frac{7}{2})

=(3, \frac{7}{2})

\therefore Required co ordinate is (3, \frac{7}{2}) (Ans)

3. Let us calculate the ratio in which the point (1, 3) divides the line segment joining the point (4, 6) and (3, 5)


Let the line segment joining the two points (4, 6) and (3, 5) divide the point (1, 3) in the ratio

\therefore The ordinate of the point (1, 3)

=\frac{m.5+n.6}{m+n}=\frac{5 m+6 n}{m+n} \\

\therefore \frac{5 m+6 n}{m+n}=3 \\

\text { or, } 5 m+6 n=3 m+3 n \\

\text { or, } 5 m-3 m=3 n-6 n \\

\text { or, } 2 m=-3 n \\

\frac{m}{n}=-\frac{3}{2} \\

\therefore m : n =-3 : 2

\therefore The line segment joining two points (4, 6) and (3, 5) divides the point (1, 3) in the ratio 3 : 2 externally.

4. Let us calculate in what ratio is the line segment joining the points (7, 3) and (-9, 6) divided by the y-axis.


Let the line segment joining two points (7, 3) and (-9, 6) is divided by y-axis at the point P in the ratio m : n

The abscissa of P =\frac{m \cdot(-9)+n \cdot7}{m+n}

=\frac{-9 m+7 n}{m+n}

Since P is the point is on y- axis, so x = 0

\quad \frac{-9 m+7 n}{m+n}=0 \\

\text { or }-9 m+7 n=0 \\

\text { or, }-9 m=-7 n \\

\text { or, } \frac{m}{n}=\frac{7}{9} \\

\therefore m : n = 7 : 9

The line segment joining two points (7, 3) and (-9, 6) is divided by the y-axis internally in the ratio 7 : 9. (Ans)

5. Prove that when the points A (7, 3), B (9, 6), C (10, 12) and D (8, 9) are joined in order, then they will form a parallelogram.


IMG 3668

We have,

A (7, 3), B (9, 6), C (10, 12), D (8, 9)

Plotting the points on the cartesian plane, we see that if form a Quadrilateral ABCD.

The Co-ordinate of mid point of diagban AC.

=(\frac{7+10}{2}, \frac{3+12}{2})=(\frac{17}{2}, \frac{15}{2})

The co-ordinate of mid point of diagonat BD

=(\frac{9+8}{2}, \frac{6+9}{2})=(\frac{17}{2}, \frac{15}{2})

Diagonal AC and BD of Quadrilateral ABCD bisect each other

\therefore ABCD is a parallelogram.(proved)

6. If the points (3, 2),(6, 3),(x, y) and (6, 5) then joined in order and form a parallelogram then let us calculate the point (x, y)


IMG 3669

Let \mathrm{A=(3,2), B=(6,3), C=(x, y), D(6,5)}

The co-ordinate of midpoint of diagonal AC

=(\frac{6+6}{2}, \frac{3+5}{2})=(\frac{12}{2}, \frac{1}{2})=(6,4)

\therefore ABCD is a parallelogram

\therefore Diagonal AC and BD of quadrilateral ABCD bisects each other:

\therefore \frac{x+3}{2}=6, \quad \frac{y+2}{2}=4

or, x+3=12, \quad or, y+2=8

\therefore she required point is (9, 6) (Ans)

7. If \mathrm{(x_1, y_1),(x_2 y_2),(x_3, y_3) \ and \ (x_4, y_4)} points are joined in order to form parallelogram then prove that \mathrm{x_1+x_3 = x_2+x_4 \ and \ y_1+y_3=y_2+y_4.}


IMG 3670

Let \mathrm{A=(x_1, y_1), B=(x_2, y_2), C=(x_3, y_3), D=(x_4, y_4)}

\because ABCD is a parallelogram

\therefore The co-ordinate of midpoint of diagonal AC

=(\frac{x_1+x_3}{2}, \frac{y_1+y_3}{2})

The co-ordinate of midpoint of diagonal BD

=(\frac{x_2+x_4}{2}, \frac{y_2+y_4}{2})

\because ABCD is a parallelogram

\therefore \frac{x_1+x_3}{2}=\frac{x_2+x_4}{2} \ \frac{y_1+y_3}{2}=\frac{y_2+y_4}{2}

or, x_1+x_3=x_2+x_4 \ y_1+y_3=y_2+y_4 (proved)

8. The co-ordinate of vertices of A, B, C of a triangle ABC are (-1, 3) (1, -1) and (5, 1) respectively, let us calculate the length of Median A


IMG 3671

AD is median of \triangle A B C

\therefore D is mid point of BC

\therefore The co-ordinate of mid point of diagonal BC =(\frac{5+1}{2}, \frac{1-1}{2})

=(\frac{6}{2}, 0) \\

= (3, 0)

\therefore A D =\sqrt{(-1-3)^2+(3-0)^2} \\

=\sqrt{(-4)^2+(3)^2} \\

=\sqrt{16+9} \\

=\sqrt{25} \\

= 5 units (Ans)

9. The co-ordinates of vertices of triangle are (2, -4)(6, -2) and (-4, 2) respectively. Let us find the length of three medians of triangle.


IMG 3672

Let A = (2, -4), B = (6, -2), C = (-4, 2)

D is the mid point of BC

E is the mid point of AC

F is the mid point of AB

\therefore The co-ordinate of mid point of B C=(\frac{6-4}{2}, \frac{-2+2}{2})=(\frac{2}{2}, \frac{0}{2})=(1,0)

\therefore The co-ordinate of mid point of A C=(\frac{2-4}{2}, \frac{-4+2}{2})=(\frac{-2}{2}, \frac{-2}{2})=(-1,-1)

\therefore The co-ordinate of mid point of A B=(\frac{6+2}{2}, \frac{-4-2}{2})=(\frac{8}{2},-\frac{6}{2})=(4,-3)

AD =\sqrt{(2-1)^2+(-4-0)^2} \\

=\sqrt{1+16}=\sqrt{17} \text { units (Ans) } \\

BE =\sqrt{(6+1)^2+(-2+1)^2} \\

=\sqrt{49+1}=\sqrt{50} \text { units (Ans) } \\

CF =\sqrt{(4+4)^2+(-3-2)^2} \\

=\sqrt{64+25}=\sqrt{89} \text { units (Ans) } \\

10. The co-ordinate of mid point of sides of a triangle are (4, 3),(-2, 7) and (0, 11). Let us calculate the co-ordinate of its vertices.


IMG 3673

Let D = (4, 3), E = (-2, 7), F = (0, 11)

\therefore D, E and F are the mid points of BC, AC and AB respectively.

Let \mathrm{A=(x_1, y_1), \quad B=(x_2, y_2), \quad C =(x_3, \mathrm{y}_3)}

D is the mid point of BC

\frac{x_2+x_3}{2}=4 \quad, \quad \frac{y_2+y_3}{2}=3 \\

or, x_2+x_3 = 8 -------- (i) \quad y_2+y_3 = 6 --------- (ii)

E is the mid point of AC

\frac{x_1+x_3}{2}=-2 \quad, \quad \frac{y_1+y_3}{2}=7 \\

x_1+x_3=-4---------(iii) \quad y_1+y_3=14---------(iv)

F is mid point of AB,

=\frac{x_1+x_2}{2}=0 \quad \frac{y_1+y_2}{2}=11

x_1+x_2=0 ------ (v) \quad y_1+y_2=22 -------- (vi)

(i) + (iii) + (v) gives


\text { or, } x_1+x_2+x_3=2 -------- (vii)

(ii) + (iv) + (vi) gives


\text { or, } y_1+y_2+y_3=21----------(viii )

\mathrm{(vii) - (i) gives, \quad (viii) - (ii) gives}

x_1=-6, \quad y_1=15

\mathrm{(vii) - (iii) gives, \quad (viii) - (iv) gives}

x_2=6, \quad y_2=7

\mathrm{(vii) - (v) gives, \quad (viii) - (vi) gives}

x_3 = 2, \quad y_3=-1

\therefore A = (-6, 15), B = (6, 7), C = (2, -1)

\therefore These are the three vertices of the triangle (Ans)

11. M.C.Q

(i) The mid point of the line segment joining two points (l, 2 m), and (-l + 2m, 2l – 2m) is

(a) (l, m)

(b) (2, -m)

(c) (m, -l)

(d) (m, l)


Mid point of line segment joining two point (l, 2m) and (-l + 2m, 2l – 2m)

=(\frac{l-l+2 m}{2}, \frac{2 m+2 l-2 m}{2}) \\

= (m, l)

\therefore(d) is correct option.

(ii) The abscissa at the point p which divides the line segment joining two point A (1, 5), B (-4, 7) internally in the ratio 2 : 3 is

(a) -1

(b) 11

(c) 1

(d) -11


The abscissa at the point P

P =\frac{2 \cdot(-4)+3 \cdot 1}{2+3} \\


\therefore (a) is correct answer.

(iii) The co-ordinates of end points of a diameter of a circle are (7, 9) and (-1, -3). The co-ordinate of centre of circle is

(a) (3, 3)

(b) (4, 6)

(c) (3, -3)

(d) (4, -6)


The co ordinate of mid point of end of a diameter i.e Co-ordinate of centre of circle is

=(\frac{7-1}{2}, \frac{9-3}{2})=(\frac{6}{2}, \frac{6}{2})=(3,3)

\therefore(a) is correct answer.

(iv) A point which divides the line segment joining two points (2, -5) and (-3, -2) externally in the ratio 4 : 3. The ordinate of point is

(a) -18

(b) -7

(c) 18

(d) 7


The ordinate of point is =\frac{4 .(-2)-3 \cdot(-5)}{4-3}


\therefore(d) is correct answer.

(v) If the points P(1, 2), Q(4, 6), R(5, 7) and S(x, y) are the vertices of a parallelogram PQRS, then

(a) x = 2, y = 4

(b) x = 3, y = 4

(c) x = 2, y = 3

(d) x = 2, y = 5


\therefore Co-ordinate of Mid point of diagonal PR = co-ordinate of mid point of diagonal QS

or, (\frac{1+5}{2}, \frac{2+7}{2})=(\frac{4+x}{2}, \frac{6+y}{2})

or, (3, \frac{9}{2})=(\frac{4+x}{2}, \frac{6+y}{2})

or, \frac{4+x}{2}=3 \quad, \frac{6+y}{2}=\frac{9}{2}

or, 4+x=6 ; 6+y=9

or, x=6-4, y=9-6

\therefore x=2 \quad, \quad \therefore y=3

\therefore(c) is correct answer

12. Short answer type question

(i) C is the centre of a circle and AB is the diameter; the co-ordinate. of A and C are (6, -7) and (5, -2), Let us calculate the co-ordinate of B


\therefore C is mid point of AB.

\therefore Let B = (x, y)

Then \frac{x+6}{2}=5 \quad \frac{y-7}{2}=-2

\text { or, } x+6=10 \text { or, } y-7=-4 \\

\text { or; } x=10-6 \text { or, } y=-4+7 \\

\therefore x = 4,  y = 3

\therefore The co-ordinate of B = (4, 3) (Ans)

(ii) The points P and Q lie on 1 st and 3rd quadrent respectively.

(ii) The distance of the two points from x-axis and y-axis are 6 units and 4units respectively . Let us write the co-ordinate of mid point of line segment PQ.


IMG 3674

\therefore P lies in the 1st quadrant

\therefore the co-ordinate of P = (6, 4)

\therefore Q lies in 3rd quadrent

\therefore The co-ordinate of Q = (-6, -4)

The co-ordinate of mid point of line segment PQ

=(\frac{6-6}{2}, \frac{4-4}{2}) \\

= (0, 0) (Ans)

(iii) The points A and B lie on 2nd and 4th quadrent repectively and distance of each point from x-axis and y-axis are 8 units and 6 units respecyively Let us write the co-ordinate of mid point of the line segment.


IMG 3675

\therefore A lies on 2nd Quadrant

\therefore The co-ordinate of A = (-8, 6)

\therefore B lies on 4th quadrant

\therefore The co-ordinate of B=(8,-6)

\therefore The co-ordinate of mid point of line segment AB

=(\frac{8-8}{2}, \frac{6-6}{2}) \\

=(0, 0) (Ans)

(iv) The point P lies on the line segment AB and AP = PB; the c0-ordinate of A and B are (3, -4) and (-5, 2) respectively. Let us write the co-ordinate of point P.


\therefore The point P lies on line segment AB and AP = PB

\therefore P is the mid point of AB

\therefore The co-ordinate of point P=(\frac{3-5}{2}, \frac{-4+2}{2})

=(\frac{-2}{2}, \frac{-2}{2})=(-1,-1) (\text { Ans })

(v) The sides of Rectangle ABCD are parallel to Co-ordinate axes. Co-ordinate of B and D are (7, 3) and (2, 6); Let us write the co-ordinate of A and C and mid point of diagonal AC.


\therefore Mid point of diagonal AC

Mid point of Diagonal BD

=(\frac{7+2}{2}, \frac{3+6}{2})=(\frac{9}{2}, \frac{9}{2}) \\

\therefore ABCD are parallel to the co-ordinate ones

\therefore The co-ordinate of A and C be (2, 3) and (7, 6) (Ans)

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