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Madhyamik Class 10 English Paper 2020 | Second Language


ENGLISH (Second Language)

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes

(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing)

Full Marks : For Regular Candidates – 90

For External Candidate – 100

Roll ____ No ____

Name ____

Registration No. ____ of ____

Answer all the questions in the space provided. There is enough space for the answers. However, the extra sheet will be supplied by the invigilator, if required.

Special credits will be given for the answer which are brief and to the point. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.

  • Section – A: Reading Comprehension – 20 marks (Seen)
  • Reading Comprehension – 20 marks (Unseen)
  • Section – B: Grammar and Vocabulary – 20 marks
  • Section – C: Writing – 30 marks
  • Section – D: Supplementary: 10 marks for external candidates only

Section – A

Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions that follow :

When the family has finished tea, and gathers around the fire, the cat casually goes out of the room. True life now begins for him. He saunters down his own backyard, springs to the top of the fence, and drops lightly down to the other side. He trots across and skips to the roof of an empty shed. His movement becomes lithe and panther-like. He looks keenly from side to side and moves noiselessly, for he has so many enemies — dogs and small boys with stones.

On top of the shed, the cat arches his back and rakes his claws once or twice through the soft bark of the old roof. He stretches himself a few times to see if every muscle is in full working order. Then, drooping his head nearly to his paws, he sends across a call to his kindred. Before long they come, gliding, graceful shadows. No longer are they the meek creatures who an hour ago were mewing for fish and milk. They are now grim fighters.

Just think how much more he gets out of his life than you do out of yours! And the sports they have, too! As they get older they go in for sport to the suburban backyards. These backyards that are dull to us, are to them hunting grounds where they have more gallant adventure than King Arthur’s knights ever had.

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete  the following sentences: [1×5=5]

a) When the family gathers around the fire, the cat goes out of the room

  1. cautiously
  2. smartly
  3. casually
  4. Noiselessly

Ans. (iii) casually

b) Sauntering down his own backyard, the cat jumps to the top of the

  1. fence
  2. roof
  3. other side
  4. shed

Ans. (i) fence

c) The cat looks keenly from side to side and moves

  1. carefully
  2. anxiously
  3. fearfully
  4. noiselessly

Ans. (iv) noiselessly

d) On top of the shed the cat

  1. mews
  2. arches his back
  3. goes to sleep
  4. fights

Ans. (ii) arches his back

e) As the cats get older they go in for sport to the

  1. neighbouring house
  2. old roof
  3. empty shed
  4. suburban backyard

Ans. (iv) suburban backyard

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text: [1×3=3]

  1. The family gathers around the fire after ____.
  2. The cat skips to the roof of an empty shed where his movement Becomes ____.
  3. The cat stretches himself a few times to feel if ____.


  1. the family has finished tea
  2. lithe and panther-like
  3. very muscle is in full working order

C. State whether the following statements are true or false. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ . Provide sentences/phrases/words in support of your answer : [2×2=4]

  1. The cat sends across a call to his kindred by stretching himself a few times.
    Supporting sentence ____.
  2. The cats behave as gallantly as King Arthur’s knights.
    Supporting sentence ____.


  1. False. Dropping his head nearly to his paws, he sends across a call to his kindred.
  2. False. They have more gallant adventure than king Arthur’s knights ever had.

2. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow :

To grass, or leaf, or fruit, or wall

The snail sticks close, nor fears to fall

As if he grew there, house and all,


Within that house secure he hides

When danger imminent betides

Of storm, or other harm besides and

Of weather.

Give but his horns the slightest touch,

His self-collecting pow’r is such,

He shrinks into his house with much


Where’er he dwells, he dwells alone,

Except himself has chattels none,

Well satisfied to be his own

Whole treasure.

A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following  sentences : [1×4=4]

a) The snail is not afraid to: –

  1. fight
  2. hide
  3. fall
  4. touch bas

Ans. (iii) fall

b) The snail faces imminent danger when there is:-

  1. storm
  2. rain
  3. thunder
  4. lightning

Ans. (i) storm

c) With the slightest touch the snail shrinks into his house with much:

  1. delight
  2. displeasure
  3. defiance
  4. Pain

Ans. (ii) displeasure

d) In the house the snail lives:-

  1. alone
  2. with others
  3. with chattels
  4. with family

Ans. (i) alone

B. Answer the following questions : [2×2=4]

  1. What does the snail stick close to?
  2. What does the snail do when it faces danger?


  1. The snail sticks close to the grass or leaf or fruit or wall.
  2. When the snail sees danger coming soon, it hides in his secure house.

Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

Mother nature has been very generous to us by giving us so many resources of water — rainwater, rivers, lakes, melting glaciers and ground water. The demand for water is ever increasing but the supply is far from adequate.

Given the lack of water in rivers, people have been resorting to pumping out groundwater for personal consumption and for farming. As a result, the groundwater table has fallen to alarming levels. Moreover, harmful fertilisers used for growing crops have contaminated groundwater so in many places it is not fit for drinking.

It is time to wake up. Every drop of water is a source of life. It is high time we realise that water resources are not permanent. Soon, we as a family, society and nation will be struggling to get a drop of clean potable water. We have to focus on water conservation and stop polluting our water resources.

Each one of us also needs to do our bit by avoiding the use of plastic, recycling waste products and keeping our surroundings clean. Every town, every village should have an eco-friendly garbage sorting and disposal system. Every school and college should initiate programmes educating youngsters about the importance of our natural resources, especially water and air. We have to train new generations to adopt an eco-friendly way of life.

[Adapted from an article published in The Times of India dated June 26, 2019]

A. Tick the right answer : [1×6=6]

i) The demand for water is increasing but the supply of water is

  1. adequate
  2. surplus
  3. inadequate
  4. plentiful

Ans. (c) inadequate

ii) People have been resorting to pumping out ground water due to

  1. lack of water in the rivers
  2. scanty rainfall
  3. drying up of wells
  4. melting glaciers

Ans. (a) lack of water in the rivers

iii) The groundwater table has

  1. risen
  2. dropped
  3. increased
  4. remained stable

Ans. (b) dropped

iv) Groundwater is contaminated by

  1. irrigation
  2. construction of roads
  3. harmful fertilisers
  4. pumping out of water

Ans. (c) harmful fertilisers

v) It is high time we realise that water resources are

  1. permanent
  2. potable
  3. impermanent
  4. abundant

Ans. (c) impermanent

vi) Each one of us must avoid the use of

  1. copper
  2. paper
  3. jute
  4. plastic

Ans. (d) Plastic

B. Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’. Also pick out suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answers : [(1+1)×3=6]

  1. People have been resorting to pumping out ground water for construction work.
    Supporting sentence: ____.
  2. Water is valuable because it is a source of life.
    Supporting sentence: ____.
  3. Soon, it will be easy for us to get clean potable water.
    Supporting sentence: ____ .



Supporting sentence: People have been resorting to pumping out groundwater for personal consumption and for farming.


Supporting sentence: Every drop of water is a source of life.


Supporting sentence: Soon, we as a family, society and nation will be struggling to get a drop of clean potable water.

C. Answer the following questions : [2×4=8]

  1. How has mother nature been generous to us?
  2. What should be our immediate focus regarding water ?
  3. What should every town and every village have to keep the surroundings clean?
  4. What kind of programmes should every school and college initiate ?


  1. Mother nature has been very generous to us by giving us so many re-sources of water rain water, rivers, lakes, melting glaciers and ground water.
  2. We have to focus on water conservation and stop polluting our water resources.
  3. Every town, every village should have an eco-friendly garbage sorting and disposal system.
  4. Every school and college should initiate programmes educating youngsters about the importance of our natural resources, especially water and air. We have to train new generations to adopt an eco-friendly way of life.

Section – B

[Grammar and Vocabulary]

4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks : [1×3=3]

Rina who _______ (have been / has been/is being) ill for a month_____ (will visit / visited / had visited) the doctor last Monday. The doctor bed rest ____ (advised / had advised / will advise) her complete.


Rina who has been (have been / has been/is being) ill for a month visited (will visit / visited / had visited) the doctor last Monday. The doctor bed rest advised (advised / had advised / will advise) her complete.

5. A Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions : [1×3=3]

Wrestling is one of ____ oldest sports in the world. Ancient cave drawings of people wrestling with one another have been found ____ Europe. It is _____ serious sport.


Wrestling is one of the oldest sports in the world. Ancient cave drawings of people wrestling with one another have been found in Europe. It is a serious sport.

5. B. Do as directed [1×3=3]

  1. The authorities postponed the cricket match (Change the voice)
  2. “Is there anybody there?” said the traveller. (Change into Indirect Speech)
  3. We should not show cruelty to animals. (Rewrite using the adjective form of the word underlined)


  1. The cricket match was postponed by the authorities.
  2. The traveller asked if there anybody was.
  3. We should not be cruel to animals.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs changing the form where necessary.

There is one extra phrasal verb in the list: [1×3=3]

  1. The dog followed the thief.
  2. Have you read this book ?
  3. The chief guest distributed the prizes.

[take back, go through, give away, go after]


  1. went after
  2. go through
  3. gave away

6. Given below are the meanings of four words that you will   find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side : [2×4=8]

  1. kind
  2. disturbing
  3. polluted
  4. process of getting rid of something


  1. generous
  2. alarming
  3. contaminated
  4. disposal

Section – C


7. Write a newspaper report (within 100 words) about an accident that took place yesterday. Write the report on the basis of the points given below : [10]

Date and time — place — cause of the accident — consequences —measures taken.



Kolkata, 5th August 2014: Yesterday on my way back home from school I witnessed a horrible accident. It was about 5 p.m. when I was at the bus stop near college square. Suddenly a speeding mini-bus tried to overtake a private bus. To my utter horror, the minibus lost its control and went straight upon the footpath breaking the roadside railings. In a flash people standing on the footpath were knocked down. The rouge vehicle smashed a part of a cloth shop. A great uproar followed. Some passengers inside the mini-bus got severe injuries. As many as 5 persons were killed on the spot. And the actual number of the injured was yet to be calculated. With the help of the local people, the police started the rescue operation. The injured were once taken to the Medical college hospital. People staged a demonstration protesting against the inaction of the traffic police. However, strong safety measures were announced to prevent the recurrence of such accidents. It took about an hour for the police to bring the whole situation under control.

8. Write a letter (within 100 words) to your friend describing a cultural programme you have attended recently. Your letter should include the following points : [10]

Name of the programme – venue — date — description of performances — your feelings.


Cossipore Road


February 26, 2020

Dear Pihu,

I hope this letter finds you in fine fettle. I also hope you must have acclimatized to the new environment. I am writing to you to tell you about a cultural programme I have attended recently. The constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950. 26 January was chosen as the date for Republic Day. Our school celebrated this auspicious day with great enthusiasm and pride on 26 January 2020. Every student contributed towards its preparation and the celebration began with marching by NCC cadets.

For this programme, the Headmistress of our school Mrs Pushpita Mitra was the chief guest and hoisted the flag at school at 7 a.m. All the staff members and students saluted the flag. Then the cultural program began by reciting poetic songs and poems. Further, it flourished through various traditional dance forms and skits. At last, Headmistress informed us about the constitution of India.

I will send you the pictures, the moment I get them. The rest is fine. I am missing you a lot. Give my regards to my uncle and aunt.

Your loving friend

Aashish Kr. Tewari

9. Write a paragraph (within 100 words) on ‘The Most  Memorable Day in Your Life’, based on the following points: [10]

Date / Day — a description of the day — your role on that day — why is the day memorable to you?


The Most Memorable Day

The memorable day of my life would be the day when I came to know I was the first to score the highest in English in my town. I could not believe my ears as I never dreamed of such achievements. It was a memorable day in my life because. I was able to see the happiness in my mother’s eyes. I thought she would cry. But she didn’t. She gave me a warm hug and told me she knew I could do this. That day I realized my mother knew me more than me. Scores or rank were a big reason to be happy. But, What was precious to me was my mother’s confidence in me. She was the one who never thought twice to be always by my side. Her love and affection for me was unconditional. She wanted me to be a self-dependant. And I made her dream come true. Another reason why I consider the day as a memorable day of my life is because I was able to outshine my biggest competitors. There were too many of them. Those students were smart, intelligent and dedicated.

Section – D

[For External Candidate Only]

1. Frame nominal compounds from the meanings given below: [1×5=5]

  1. A wall made up of stone ____.
  2. A ground for playing ____.
  3. A pool for swimming ____.
  4. Mill driven by wind ____.
  5. A place made up of marble ____.


  1. stone wall
  2. playground
  3. swimming pool
  4. windmill
  5. marble place

2. Write the opposite of the following words : [1×5=5]

  1. Wise
  2. Honest
  3. Strict
  4. Cool
  5. Humble


  1. Wise – Foolish
  2. Honest – Dishonest
  3. Strict – Lenient
  4. Cool – Warm
  5. Humble – Arrogant

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