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Essay on Democracy without discipline is meaningless | 1200 Words

Essay writing

An essay on Democracy without discipline is meaningless Complete the Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Flash Education essay writing

Working of democracy imposes certain responsibilities and obligations upon the people as well as upon men in power. Democracy does not mean liberty sans limits; if people give a free play to their activities for realising the wishes it becomes a serious hindrance in the working of democracy. The democratic government takes a lenient view of the popular risings because they fear losing the support of the people. Leniency on the part of the government encourages anti-social elements which make the life of the common man miserable. Consequently there is dissatisfaction and frustration among the peace-loving people of the country. For example in India, the opposition parties wanted to take undue advantage of their right to oppose the party in power. They started provoking the different sections of the society against the government. In some states chaotic conditions are prevailing and in others it was feared that such conditions would prevail. This type of democracy loses its charm. Before De Gaulle came in power French democracy was reduced to a mockery because the government was toppled every week. Theoretically it may be interpreted as a healthy sign of the working of democracy but in practice administration becomes impossible. People must be aware of their obligations.

In fact democracy demands a self-imposed discipline. The voters must realise their responsibilities while electing their representatives. The latter should not fail in performing their duties. Political life demands certain ethical codes and if these go uncared for, the opposition as well as the party in power would fail to preserve the dignity of the political life. The party in power, intoxicated with authority, generally starts abusing it-opposition is suppressed or the public is kept in a state of ignorance. On the other hand opposition parties try to tarnish the image of the government; they play up their weaknesses and try to create conditions in which they may lose popular support. In India Opposition parties are not playing a healthy role. This results in agitations, strikes, bands and even riots. For a developing country like India it is unnecessary and dangerous diversion. When a particular political party is voted into power, we must accept their policies, at least for a period of five years. Political parties need discipline if political life is to be kept chaste.

No nation without discipline can work for progress. If the businessmen consider monetary profit the only aim of life the smooth working of the society will come to an end. The distribution of wealth will be unequal and some sections of the society will earn profits disproportionate to their labour or investment. This economic disparity among the people becomes the source of exploitation and the poorer sections of the society would be miserable. Indian, being inhabited by the poor people cannot afford to have economically backward sections of the society. When we keep socialism as our goal and allow the businessmen to reap profits disproportionate to the income of others, our actions frustrate our ideals. There should be some ethics for businessmen because generally they constitute the corrupt sections of society. They conceal their income and use black money for unhealthy purposes. In this manner the whole economy of the country is upset. They also start bribing the officials, thereby imparting corruption even in administration. No doubt law takes cognizance of these offences yet they manage to escape the grip of law by maintaining their relations with the high-ups in society. Clearly functioning of democracy is impaired. In order to make the businessmen to realize their responsibilities it is necessary that some strict steps must be taken within the frame work of law.

The most vulnerable section of the society, from the point of view of discipline, are the students. Revolutionary and new fledged ideas have a great appeal to them. They cannot stand the charm of persuasion. They are to be taught that without discipline they cannot get proper education. Agitations may be Gandhian method of protest but any good method which is misused can torpedo the whole system. Whatever might be the form of a discipline and however morally justified its aim may be it becomes a cancer in the body politics. Indiscipline encourages anti-social elements and always puts the proper working out of gear. Thus indiscipline breeds a generation of undependable citizens and gives momentum to disruptive forces.

The relevance of a political pattern is determined by adequacy because it stitches up aspirations, functions, needs and demands of the society into a seamless web. The social unity which includes the unity of perspective, activities and aspirations fuse the divergent tendencies into semi-articulate whole. The system becomes a reflection of moods and motives and the pattern is that of behavior. Under such circumstances if the political system projects a distorted image it will not satisfy the people. In case the object of reflection is itself disfigured, it will not fit in the frame world of political institution. These institutions can function properly only if the people who established them are disciplined in every walk of life. Otherwise either the system will crack or people will lose faint in it.

Democracy presupposes that man possesses innate qualities to govern himself. They think that the people know their needs and welfare and can work for it in a more methodical manner. This supposition is based upon ideal calculations; man is generally swept ways by emotions. Liberty often becomes licence so people must realise their duties. They must work for the common good. Workers in factories should aim at increasing production, people in the offices should facilitate the smooth working of the governmental machinery. So discipline becomes necessary.

Economy of the country is so closely linked up with political system that without proper type of economic ordering there cannot be political stability. The economy of India was completely disturbed by unprincipled sections of society. They indulged in black market, hoarding, smuggling and in many other activities which disrupted the economy of our country. Mere profit making should not be the aim of economic activity if some people are able to earn by trading in human lives. If others are able to hoard resulting in numberless deaths due to starvation it will not serve the ends of justice. Democracy demands justice and equal treatment so that their free thinking may not be inhibited. For achieving this end we need discipline. Money should be just a means to carry on activities; it should not be the sole nexus of life.

For making a nation disciplined no mechanical method can be used for a long time. Once discipline becomes a part of our thinking we do not have to exert for remaining disciplined. It is through psychological methods that discipline can be fostered. Renan has correctly said that political institutions are destroyed by their triumphs. So for preserving democracy a nation has to adopt even anti-democratic methods. Discipline is the hub of human activity and disciplined activity will strengthen democracy.

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