Essay on First Day At School


There are many special moments in life that we fondly nurture in our memory. Let me tell you that my first day at school was one such event. It was a remarkable day in my life.

After I grew to school-going age, my parents decided to send me to a playschool in the neighbourhood.

I was a bit nervous as well as curious. Father took me to school. The school building was small but beautiful. The principal was in her office. She asked my name and a few questions. He seemed satisfied with my answers. I was admitted to the pre-nursery class. Soon after, Father departed leaving me all alone in a strange world.

There were many children my age. Many of them were new to the school. Some of them were crying. I too felt like crying, but then thought what other children would think. I felt lonely in the midst of my classmates. But soon my fear and loneliness were overcome. A boy from my class became my friend. We talked a lot. After some time, a teacher entered the class. She was a beautiful young woman with a pleasing personality. She took us to the toys room.

There were many toys which I had not seen before. She allowed us to play with them. As we played, she taught us how to sing a rhyme and dance to it. It was all like fun.

At the end of the class, she told us a story about the thirsty crow. After school was over, I walked to the gate. There I found mother waiting outside. I ran and hugged her. I introduced her to my new friend.

I walked with her with the memories of a strange but exciting world where I would love to go daily.

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