Essay on The Importance Of Forests


Forest play an important role in our daily lives. Trees are living things as well. Each of us should know the importance of trees and the need for preserving forests.

Trees supply us with a lot of useful things. Various kinds of fruits, that we love to eat are obtained from trees. The starch that we get is prepared by the green trees and plants. Moreover, we get timber for making furniture and for building houses. Firewood is also obtained from trees. Some trees are very useful. Every part of the coconut tree is useful. Even the leaves are used for the roofs of huts. Some trees, like the rubber, supply us with the valuable sap that has many uses. Some trees supply us with medicines. Eucalyptus and cinchona are useful in this regard. Further, there are many kinds of plants and herbs in the forests that are very useful as medicines. Trees give us cool shade to rest under them. We do not find any child that does not like to sit and play under the shade of trees. Some trees are grown only for the sake of their shade.

Trees breathe out a lot of water vapour. This water vapour cools the air in the atmosphere and when the clouds pass through them, they are cooled down further and so we get rainfall. Thus forests cause rainfall. Trees, during photosynthesis, breathe out oxygen. This oxygen replaces the oxygen that is used by men and animals in breathing to burn impurities in the body.

Besides, trees hold the soil together. So, they prevent soil erosion and forest soil has the capacity to absorb more water. In this way sudden floods are prevented. The green leaves of trees refresh our eyes and gives peace to the mind. Trees have a grace and beauty that delight the eye.

Finally, we can also say that forests also give shelter to numerous kinds of birds and animals. Wild animals are found only in the dense forests and birds build their nest on trees. Thus forests serve as natural home to animals and birds. We should plant more trees and protect it. Otherwise the world will soon become a desert.

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