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Madhyamik Class 10 History Solved Paper 2023

Madhyamik Class 10 History Solved Paper 2023

Madhyamik Class 10 History Solved Paper 2023


Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes

(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing) 

Full Marks: For Regular Candidates – 90

For External Candidates – 100

[Groups ‘A’ to ‘E’ are common for both Regular and External Candidates. Group ‘F’ is meant only for External Candidates.]

(All questions of Group ‘A’ are compulsory. Candidates should follow the alternatives in other groups. Visually-challenged Candidates will answer the alternative questions as per directive in Group ‘B’. Others will attempt map pointing.)

Group ‘A’

1. Choose the correct answer: [1×20=20]

1.1. Rachel Carson was associated with –

  1. Local History
  2. History Environment
  3. Women’s History
  4. Urban History


b. History Environment

1.2. Bankim Chandra edited the ‘Bangadarshan’ for –

  1. 3 years
  2. 10 years
  3. 4 years
  4. 12 years


c. 4 years

1.3. Rammohan Roy founded the Anglo-Hindu School in –

  1. 1821 A.D.
  2. 1815 A.D.
  3. 1822 A.D.
  4. 1826 A.D.


c. 1822 A.D.

1.4. The first Premchand Roychand Scholar of Calcutta University was –

  1. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
  2. Vidyasagar
  3. Anandamohan Bose
  4. Ashutosh Mukherjee


c. Anandamohan Bose

d. Ashutosh Mukherjee

1.5 The word ‘Renaissance’ is –

  1. an English word
  2. a French word
  3. an Italian word
  4. a Latin word


b. a French word

1.6. A separate district named ‘Jungal Mahal’ was established after the –

  1. Santal rebellion
  2. Kol rebellion
  3. Chuar rebellion
  4. Munda rebellion


c. Chuar rebellion

1.7. The first Inspector General of the Imperial Indian Forest Department was –

  1. Johan Krugar
  2. Elias Fischer
  3. Dietrich Brandis
  4. Frederick Hoffmann


c. Dietrich Brandis

1.8. The British writer, who described the Great Revolt (1857) as ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ was –

  1. Charles Raikes
  2. Norton
  3. Malleson
  4. Disraeli


a. Charles Raikes

1.9. The Chaitra Mela came to be known as ‘Hindu Mela’ from –

  1. 1867 A.D.
  2. 1870 A.D.
  3. 1872 A.D.
  4. 1875 A.D.


a. 1867 A.D.

1.10. The first President of the Indian Association was –

  1. Surendranath Banerjee
  2. Anandamohan Bose
  3. Rev. Krishnamohan Banerjee
  4. Shibnath Shastri


c. Rev. Krishnamohan Banerjee

1.11. The pioneer of selling books in the Bengali Language was –

  1. William Carey
  2. Rammohan Roy
  3. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
  4. Ganga Kishore Bhattacharya


d. Ganga Kishore Bhattacharya

1.12. Linotype in Bengali was introduced in –

  1. 1778 A.D.
  2. 1878 A.D.
  3. 1925 A.D.
  4. 1935 A.D.


d. 1935 A.D.

1.13. The person known as ‘Deshapran’ was –

  1. Aswini Kumar Datta
  2. Satish Chandra Samanta
  3. Jatindramohan Sengupta
  4. Birendranath Sasmal


d. Birendranath Sasmal

1.14. The first labour union in India was –

  1. Girni Kamgarh Union
  2. The Madras Labour Union
  3. Indian Millhand’s Union
  4. All India Trade Union Congress


b. The Madras Labour Union

1.15. The Krishak Praja Party was founded by –

  1. Birendranath Sasmal
  2. Prafulla Chandra Sen
  3. Baba Ramchandra
  4. Fazlul Haque


d. Fazlul Haque

1.16. ‘Bangalakshmir Bratakatha’ was composed by –

  1. Rabindranath Tagore
  2. Abanindranath Tagore
  3. Rajanikanta Sen
  4. Ramendra Sundar Trivedi


d. Ramendra Sundar Trivedi

1.17. Nari Karma Mandir was founded by –

  1. Urmila Devi
  2. Basanti Devi
  3. Sarala Devi Chowdhurani
  4. Suniti Devi


a. Urmila Devi

1.18. A leader of the Ezhava Community was –

  1. Ramaswami Naicker
  2. Tyagaraja Chetty
  3. Narayan Guru
  4. Bhimrao Ambedkar


c. Narayan Guru

1.19. The separate Linguistic State of Andhra Pradesh was formed in the year –

  1. 1947 A.D.
  2. 1950 A.D.
  3. 1953 A.D.
  4. 1956 A.D.


c. 1953 A.D.

1.20. Purulia district was merged with West Bengal in –

  1. 1950 A.D.
  2. 1952 A.D.
  3. 1956 A.D.
  4. 1960 A.D.


c. 1956 A.D.

Group ‘B’

2. Answer any sixteen questions, taking at least one from each Sub-group : [1 × 16 = 16]

Sub-group: 2.1

Answer in one sentence: [1×4=4]

(2.1.1) In which year were introduced the Railways in India?


The railways in India was introduced in 1853.

(2.1.2) From where was published the Grambarta Prakashika?


The Grambarta Prakashika was published from Kushtia.

(2.1.3) Who was the first Principal of the Bengal Technical Institute?


Pramathanath Basu was the first Principal of the Bengal Technical Institute.

(2.1.4) Who was known as Gandhiburih?


Matangini Hazra was known as Gandhiburih.

Sub-group: 2.2

Identify which of the following is True or False: [1×4=4]

(2.2.1) The ‘Sattar Bathsar’ is a biography of Bipin Chandra Pal.



(2.2.2) Madhusudan Datta was the first Indian to dissect a human body.



(2.2.3) Dr. Anil Seal has described the eighteenth century as the ‘Age of Associations’.



(2.2.4) Ganendranath Tagore was a Cartoonist.



Sub-group: 2.3

Match Column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’:

(2.3.1) C. V. Raman(1) Sind
(2.3.2) Baba Ramchandra(2) Bombay
(2.3.3) Usha Ben Mehta(3) Calcutta
(2.3.4) Hemu Kalani(4) Uttar Pradesh


2.3.1 – (3),   2.3.2 – (4),   2.3.3 – (2),   2.3.4 – (1)

Sub-group: 2.4

On the given outline Map of India, locate and label the following places : [1×4=4]

(2.4.1) A centre of the Great Revolt (1857) – Meerut.

(2.4.2) Area of the Santhal Rebellion (1855).

(2.4.3) A centre of the Wahabi Movement in Bengal – Barasat.

(2.4.4) Princely State of Hyderabad.


(Only For Visually-challenged Candidates)

Fill in the blanks : [1×4=4]

(2.4.1) ____ was known as ‘Master-da’.

(2.4.2) Wahabi means ____

(2.4.3) The book ‘Bartaman Bharat’ was written by ____

(2.4.4) Hari Singh was the king of ____


(2.4.1) Surya Sen

(2.4.2) Regeneration

(2.4.3) Swami Vivekananda

(2.4.4) Kashmir

Sub-group: 2.5

Select the correct interpretation of the following statements : [1×4=4]

(2.5.1) Statement: Debendranath Tagore joined the Brahmo Samaj in 1843 and it marked a turning point in the history of the Brahmo Movement.

  • Interpretation 1: He propagated Brahmoism all throughout India.
  • Interpretation 2: He successfully defended Indian religion and culture against the attacks of the Christian Missionaries.
  • Interpretation 3 : He rejuvenated and reformed the Brahmo Samaj.


Interpretation 3 : He rejuvenated and reformed the Brahmo Samaj.

(2.5.2) Statement : The Forest Laws were introduced by the colonial British Government of India.

  • Interpretation 1: The British Government introduced Forest Laws in order to maintain ecological balance.
  • Interpretation 2: The British Government wanted to improve the standard of life of the forest-dwellers.
  • Interpretation 3: The British Government wanted to use the forest products in their own interest.


Interpretation 3: The British Government wanted to use the forest products in their own interest.

(2.5.3) Statement: Gandhiji never wanted to associate himself with the working class movement.

  • Interpretation 1: Gandhiji was the representative of the Mill-owners.
  • Interpretation 2: Gandhiji was in favour of avoiding conflict between Capital and Labour.
  • Interpretation 3: Gandhiji was concerned with law and order situation.


Interpretation 2: Gandhiji was in favour of avoiding conflict between Capital and Labour.

(2.5.4) Statement: The Moplah revolt broke out in 1921.

  • Interpretation 1: It was a militant peasant’s movement.
  • Interpretation 2: It was a tribal revolt.
  • Interpretation 3: It was an uprising of the mill-workers.


Interpretation 1: It was a militant peasant’s movement.

Group ‘C’

3. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences (any eleven): [2×11=22]

3.1. Why is the year 1911 important in the history of Indian nationalism?



3.2. What is meant by ‘Government Documents’ ?



3.3. Why is Kadambini (Bose) Ganguly remembered?



3.4. What is meant by ‘filtration theory’ in the sphere of Company’s educational policy?



3.5. Why was set up the South-West Frontier Agency?



3.6. Why did the Farazi Movement fail?



3.7. What was the real object of the ‘Queen’s Proclamation (1858)’ ?



3.8. State two differences between the Landholders’ Association and the Indian Association.



3.9. Why is Dr. Mahendralal Sircar remembered?



3.10. What was the impact of the development of the Printing Press on the cultural life of Bengal ?



3.11. Who was Alluri Sitaram Raju?



3.12. What is the ‘Meerut Conspiracy Case’ ?



3.13. With what objective was founded the Dipali Sangha?



3.14. Why is Guruchand Thakur remembered?



3.15. Why did Sardar Ballavbhai Patel reject the demand of Independence of the Princely States of India in 1947 ?



3.16. Why was formed the State Reorganisation Commission (1953)?



Group ‘D’

4. Answer the following questions in seven or eight sentences each. Attempt one question from each sub-group. Answer six questions in all. [4×6=24]

Sub-group: D.1

4.1. Assess the role of Rammohan Roy in spreading Western education in nineteenth century Bengal.



4.2. Assess the success of the Brahmo movement as a religious reform movement.



Sub-group: D.2

4.3. Explain the concepts of ‘Rebellion, Uprising and Revolution’.



4.4. Analyse the nature of the Barasat revolt.



Sub-group: D.3

4.5. Analyse the role of Upendrakishor Roychaudhury in the development of the Printing Press in Bengal.



4.6. Critically discuss Rabindranath Tagore’s concept on education.



Sub-group: D.4

4.7. What were the initiatives undertaken to reorganise the Indian States on a linguistic basis after Independence?



4.8. How did the Kashmir problem originate?



Group ‘E’

5. Answer any one question in fifteen or sixteen sentences: [8×1=8]

5.1. What is meant by Bengal Renaissance? What are the limitations of this Renaissance? 3+5



5.2. Describe the role of the Printing Press in Bengal briefly as a commercial venture. 8



5.3. Give a brief account of the Bardauli movement. Do you think that the movement was successful in protecting the rights of landless peasants and agricultural labourers? 5+3



[For External Candidates Only]

Group ‘F’

6. 6.1. Answer the following in a single sentence (any four): [1×4=4]

6.1.1. Who wrote the drama ‘Nildarpan??



6.1.2. In which year was founded the Asiatic Society?



6.1.3. Who were known as ‘Serampore Trio’ ?



6.1.4. Name a Cartoonist.



6.1.5. Who wrote the Barna Parichay?



6.1.6. Who earned the epithet ‘Sardar’?



6.2. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each (any three): [2×3=6]

6.2.1 Why is David Hare remembered?



6.2.2 Write any two objectives of the founding the Indian Association.



6.2.3 Why did the Moplah Revolt take place?



6.2.4 Why is Pritilata Waddedar remembered?



6.2.5 Why was ‘Rashid Ali Day’ observed?



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