Question Count: 573


Write one use of urea. 

Physical Science Inorganic Chemistry WBBSE 1 2020


One use of urea is as a fertilizer.

Question ID: 261

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Write the structural formula of propanone. 


Wohler first prepared an organic compound from an inorganic compound in the laboratory. What is the organic compound?

Physical Science Organic Chemistry WBBSE 1 2020


Structural formula of propanone OR Wöhler first prepared the organic compound urea from the inorganic compound ammonium cyanate in the...

Question ID: 262

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Give an example of a biodegradable natural polymer.

Physical Science Organic Chemistry WBBSE 1 2020


An example of a biodegradable natural polymer is starch.

Question ID: 263

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Write with reason in which layer among the layers of the atmosphere the pressure is the highest.

Physical Science Concerns About Our Environment WBBSE 2 2020


The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere where the pressure is the highest. This is because the troposphere contains...

Question ID: 264

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Find out the ratio of the volumes occupied by 32 g O2 and 44 g CO2 gases at 27oC temperature and 700 mm Hg pressure. (C = 12, O = 16). 


A fixed mass of a gas occupies a volume of 520 cm3 at -13oC temperature. Keeping the pressure unchanged, when the gas is heated the volume of the gas increases to 700 cm3. What is the final temperature of the gas in degree Celsius?

Physical Science Behaviour of Gases WBBSE 2 2020


Molar Mass of O2 = 32 Molar Mass of CO2 = 44 Moles of O2 = 32\over 32 = 1...

Question ID: 265

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Mention two features of the image formed by a simple camera.  


Where in front of a concave mirror image of an extended object placed at infinity will be formed by the mirror? Mention one feature of the image.  

Physical Science Light WBBSE 2 2020


Two Features of the Image Formed by a Simple Camera: Inverted: The image produced by a simple camera is inverted...

Question ID: 266

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Mention one similarity and one dissimilarity between electromotive force and potential difference.

Physical Science Current Electricity WBBSE 2 2020


Similarity: Both emf and potential difference measure electrical energy per unit charge. Dissimilarity: Emf is the voltage generated by a...

Question ID: 267

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


By giving an example of an ionic compound shows that its ions do not obey the octet rule. 


Explain why the melting point of sodium chloride is much greater than that of glucose.

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 2 2020


An example of an ionic compound that does not obey the octet rule is lithium oxide (Li2O). Lithium (Li) has...

Question ID: 268

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Shows that F forms an ionic bond with Na but it forms a covalent bond with H. [2]

(The atomic numbers of H, F and Na are 1, 9, and 11 respectively)

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 2 2020


Ionic Bond Between Na and F: Sodium (Na) (atomic number 11) has 1 electron in its outer shell and tends...

Question ID: 269

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Write, with the balanced chemical equation, what happens when nitrogen gas is passed over calcium carbide heated at 1100ºC.

Physical Science Ionic and Covalent Bonding WBBSE 2 2020


When nitrogen gas is passed over heated calcium carbide (CaC₂) at 1100°C, calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) and carbon (C) are formed....

Question ID: 270

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction for the formation of metallic iron from ferric oxide by thermit process. Write an application of the process. 


Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction of the reaction that occurs when a piece of metallic iron is added to an aqueous solution of CuSO4.

What information is obtained from this reaction about the relative position of Cu and Fe in the activity series of metals?

Physical Science Metallurgy WBBSE 2 2020


Balanced Chemical Equation for the Thermit Process: Fe2​O3 ​+ 2Al → 2Fe + Al2​O3 ​In this reaction, ferric oxide (Fe2​O3)...

Question ID: 271

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024


Select the members of a homologous series from the following compound and arrange them in increasing order or their molecular weights :



 Write with an example of what is meant by functional group. 

Physical Science Organic Chemistry WBBSE 2 2020


Members of a Homologous Series (Alcohols): The alcohols from the given compounds are: CH3OH (Methanol) CH3CH2OH (Ethanol) CH3CH2CH2OH (Propanol) OR...

Question ID: 272

Uploaded on: September 22, 2024

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