Question Count: 573


Which type of evolution is indicated by homologous organs?

Life Science Evolution WBBSE 1 2019


Divergent evolution

Question ID: 585

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Among the following four terms one includes the other three. Find it out and write it: Pesticides used in Agriculture, Typhoid, Water Pollution, liquid wastes from factories?

Life Science Environment and Human Pollution WBBSE 1 2019


Water Pollution.

Question ID: 586

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


In which type of in situ conservation practice, the diversity, culture, and lifestyle of humans are preserved along with microorganisms, wild animals, and wild plants?

Life Science Biodiversity and Its Conservation WBBSE 1 2019


Biosphere Reserve.

Question ID: 587

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Illustrate with the help of a word diagram the nervous pathway of the way you will open the door by hearing the doorbell.

Life Science Nervous System WBBSE 2 2019


Stimuli(sound of the doorbell) ↓ Receptor(the spiral organ of corti) ↓ Sensory neurone (Optic nerve) ↓ Nerve Center (Brain) ↓...

Question ID: 588

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


State the locations of Meninges and CSF.

Life Science Nervous System WBBSE 2 2019


The Meninges are three protective membrane layers surrounding the Brain and spinal cord. CSF occupies the subarachnoid space and the...

Question ID: 589

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


What influences does the gibberellin hormone exert on the seeds and internode of plants? Explain.

Life Science Plant Hormone WBBSE 2 2019


Gibberellins break dormancy in seeds and produce an elongation of the stem by increasing the length of the internodes.

Question ID: 590

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Write the names of the different refractive mediums of eyeballs in proper sequence.

Life Science Nervous System WBBSE 2 2019


The different refractive mediums of the eyeball are: Aqueous chamber (Aqueous humour) → Lens → Vitreous Humour.

Question ID: 591

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


During the meiosis cell division, a reduction in the number of chromosomes and exchange of segments between chromatids take place Analyse what is the significance of these two phenomena.

Life Science Cell division and Cell cycle WBBSE 2 2019


During Meiosis cell division, the significance of the following two phenomena are: Reduction in the number of chromosomes: The chromatids...

Question ID: 592

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction on the basis of the following features:

  1. Number of Parents
  2. Nature of offspring

Life Science Reproduction WBBSE 2 2019


Feature Asexual Sexual Number of patents Only one parent is required. Two parents are required. Nature of offspring The offspring...

Question ID: 593

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


Identify the stages of Karyokinesis of mitotic cell division depending on the following features:

  1. Alignment of chromosomes along the equator of the cell and their arrangement in a definite pattern
  2. The disintegration of spindle fibres
  3. The disappearance of nuclear membrane and nucleolus
  4. Movement of daughter chromosomes to the opposite poles of the cell

Life Science Cell division and Cell cycle WBBSE 2 2019


Metaphase Anaphase Prophase Anaphase

Question ID: 594

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


To establish the law of segregation in case of Pea plants, you are asked to select characters. Write two such characters having opposite traits.

Life Science Heredity WBBSE 2 2019


Here are two characters having opposite traits that Mendel selected to establish the law of segregation in pea plants: Flower...

Question ID: 595

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024


A daughter is born to a woman carrier for the colour-blind disease who married a colour-blind man. What would be the probability of expression of colour blindness in that girl child? Analyse your answer.

Life Science Some Common Genetic Diseases WBBSE 2 2019


X°X - Carrier woman. X°Y - Colour blind man. Result - 50% of daughters colour blind 50% daughter carrier. Conclusion...

Question ID: 596

Uploaded on: October 11, 2024

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