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Parabola Formula

Parabola Formula


A conic is the locus of a point whose distance from a fixed point bears a constant ratio to its distance from a fixed line. The fixed point is the focus S and the fixed line is the directrix l

The constant ratio is called the eccentricity denoted by ‘e’

  1. if 0 < e < 1, the conic is an ellipse.
  2. e = 1, conic is a parabola
  3. e > 1, conic is a hyperbola.

Important Terms Related to Parabola

  1. Axis:  A line perpendicular to thee directrix and passes through the focus.
  2. Vertex: The intersection point of the conic and axis.
  3. Centre: The point which bisects every chord of the conic passing through it.
  4. Focal Chord: Any chord passing through the focus.
  5. Latus Rectum: A double ordinate passing through the focus of the parabola.

Standard Form of a Parabola and Related Terms

Equation of Parabolay2 = 4ax
Vertex(0, 0)
Focus(a, 0)
Equation of axisy = 0
Equation of directrixx + a = 0
Eccentricitye = 1
Extremities of Latus Rectum(a, 2a) and (a, -2a)
Length of Latus Rectum4a
Parametric equationx = at2 and y = 2at
Equation of Latus rectumx – a = 0


Equation of Parabolay2 = – 4ax
Vertex(0, 0)
Focus(- a, 0)
Equation of axisy = 0
Equation of directrixx – a = 0
Eccentricitye = 1
Extremities of Latus Rectum(-a, 2a) and (-a, -2a)
Length of Latus Rectum4a
Parametric equationx = – at2 and y = 2at
Equation of Latus rectumx + a = 0


Equation of Parabolax2 = 4ay
Vertex(0, 0)
Focus(0, a)
Equation of axisx = 0
Equation of directrixy + a = 0
Eccentricitye = 1
Extremities of Latus Rectum(2a, a) and (-2a, a)
Length of Latus Rectum4a
Parametric equationx = 2at and y = at2
Equation of Latus rectumy – a = 0


Equation of Parabolax2 = 4ay
x2 4ay
Vertex(0, 0)
Focus(0, – a)
Equation of axisx = 0
Equation of directrixy – a = 0
Eccentricitye = 1
Extremities of Latus Rectum(2a, – a) and (-2a, – a)
Length of Latus Rectum4a
Parametric equationx = 2at and y = – at2
Equation of Latus rectumy + a = 0

Equation of Parabola(y – β)2 = 4a (x – α)
Vertex(α, β)
Focus(a + α,  β)
Equation of axisParallel to x – axis
Equation of directrixx + a = α
Extremities of Latus Rectum(α + a, β + 2a) and (α + a, β – 2a)
Length of Latus Rectum4a

Equation of Parabola (x – α)2 = 4a (y – β)
Vertex(α, β)
Focus(α, a + β)
Equation of axisParallel to y – axis
Equation of directrixy + a = β
Extremities of Latus Rectum(α + 2a, β + a) and (α – 2a, β + a)
Length of Latus Rectum4a

Position of a Point

The point (x1, y1) lies outside, on or inside the parabola y2 = 4ax according as y1 – 4ax1 >, =, < 0.

y1 – 4ax1 > 0outside the parabola
y1 – 4ax1 = 0on the parabola
y1 – 4ax1 < 0inside the parabola

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