A student took a solution of copper sulphate in a beaker and put a clean iron nail into it and left it for about an hour. Open Answer »
If you leave a piece of iron in the open for a few days, it acquires a film of brownish substance, called rust. a. Do you think rust is different from iron? b. Can you change rust back into iron by some simple methods? c. Do you think formation of rust from iron is a chemical change? d. Give two other examples of a similar type of change. Open Answer »
Give an example of a chemical reaction for each of the following situations: a. A change in colour is observed. b. A gas is evolved. c. Sound is produced. d. Formation of precipitate. e. Change of state from liquid to gas. f. Change of state from gas to liquid. Open Answer »
Give two examples for each of the following cases: a. Physical changes which are reversible. b. Physical changes which are not reversible. c. Chemical changes. Open Answer »
When chemical reaction takes place, what changes accompany the formation of new substances? Open Answer »
Give example of two substances that can undergo physical and chemical changes, depending upon the conditions. Open Answer »