
A vehicle is accelerating on a straight road. Its velocity at any instant is 30 km h-1, after 2 s, it is 33.6 km h-1 and after further 2 s, it is 37.2 km h-1. Find the acceleration of vehicle in m s-2. Is the acceleration uniform ?



t = 2s,

u = 30 km h-1 or 8.33 m s-1

v = 33.6 km h-1 or 9.33 ms-1

acceleration (a) = v - u\over t

or, a = 9.33 - 8.33\over 2

or, a = 1\over 2 = 0.5 ms-2

For the next 2 s,

u = 9.33 m s-1

v = 37.2 km h-1 or 10.33 ms-1

a = 10.33 - 9.33\over2 = 0.5 m s -2

Yes, the acceleration is uniform as the acceleration in both instances is same.

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