
Activity 4 – Write T for true and F for false. Give S.S.




Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false. Give S.S.

  1. Akabar Shah operated in the northeastern frontier provinces.
  2. The items of clothing for Subhas’s disguise were purchased from a shop in South Kolkata.
  3. Everyone in Subhas’s family was aware of his plan of escape.
  4. The policemen preferred warm blankets on the cool winter night of 16 January.


  1. False. He operated in the northwestern frontier provinces.
  2. False. They were purchased from a shop in Central Calcutta.
  3. False. Only Subhas’s niece Lila and a male cousin, Damien, knew about his plan.
  4. True. On the cool winter night of January 16th, they had preferred the comfort of the warm blankets on the charpoi.

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