
Activity 9 – Rearrange the sentences in the correct order by writing the numbers in the brackets. One is done for you




Rearrange the sentences in the correct order by writing the numbers in the brackets. One is done for you:

  1. The rock is taken to a big river by the little river. (   )
  2. at last, it is turned into grains of sand. (   )
  3. It becomes a pebble. (  )
  4. A bit of rock is pushed by a smooth stream into a river. (  1 )
  5. the pebble becomes smaller because it is carried on and on by the river. (   )
  6. the edges of the rock are worn away and its rough surfaces are made smooth. (   )


d  – 1

a – 2

f – 3

c – 4

e – 5

b – 6

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