
Activity 15 – Study the following picture carefully




Study the following picture carefully:

Activity 15

Now write a paragraph in about 75 words describing this picture of a village fair. Use the following words and phrases: fairground, crowd, merry-go-round, circus tent, shops and counters, balloon-seller, fun, enjoyment. Begin like this: A village fair is a popular event in the countryside…..


A village fair is a popular event in the countryside, and this picture shows us one such fair. The fairground is full of people, and they are all having a great time. There is a merry-go-round, and it is spinning around with happy children on it. A big circus tent is also there, ready for exciting shows. There are many shops and counters selling different things, and people are busy exploring them. A balloon seller is adding color to the scene. Overall, it is a place filled with fun and enjoyment for everyone.

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