
Activity : Out of various fuels which will be your option for cooking your food?




Out of various fuels which will be your option for cooking your food?
(a) What are the criteria when you categorise it as a good fuel?
(b) What would be your choice when you are in
(i) a forest
(ii) remote village
(iii) Mumbai
(iv) five centuries ago.


It is generally recommended to use cleaner and more sustainable forms of fuel for cooking, such as LPG, electric cooktops.

(a) Criteria for a good fuel :

  1. It should have a high calorific value to ensure efficient cooking.
  2. It should burn cleanly and produce minimal or no harmful emissions.
  3. It should be readily available, affordable, and easy to use.
  4. It should be sustainable and renewable to reduce its impact on the environment.

(b) The choice of fuel for cooking will depend on the availability, accessibility, and cultural preferences of the region. Here are some examples:

  1. In a forest, dry wood or plant materials like dried leaves and twigs can be used as fuel for cooking. However, it is essential to be mindful of the environmental impact and potential fire hazards of collecting wood from the forest.
  2. In a remote village, a good choice could be biogas or biomass, such as dried animal dung or agricultural waste, which can be easily converted into fuel.
  3. In a city like Mumbai, a common choice for cooking fuel is LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), which is clean, efficient, and readily available.
  4. Five centuries ago, the most common cooking fuel was wood, dried animal dung, and other biomass. Coal was also used in some regions. However, the environmental impact and efficiency of these fuels were not as well understood as they are now.

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