
Differentiate between striated, unstriated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and site / location in the body.



Striated, Unstriated and Cardiac muscles are three types of muscle tissues. Their different characteristics are as follows:

Character  Striated Muscles  Unstriated Muscles Cardiac Muscles
1. Shape of cells. Cells are long cylindrical, non-tapering and un-branched. Cells are long with tapering ends (spindle shape) and un-branched. Cells are non-tapering, cylindrical and branched.
2. Nucleus Many nuclei (multi-nucleated) which are situated towards the periphery of muscle fibre. The cells have only one nucleus (uni-nucleated) situated in the center. Each cell contains one or two nuclei situated in the center.
3. Striation Transverse alternate light and dark bands present. Striations or strips are absent. Cells have faint striations.
4. Mode of Contraction Voluntary contract rapidly but soon undergo fatigue. Involuntarily not at our will. Contract comparatively slow but do not fatigue. Involuntary, rhythmically contract and relax throughout life without fatigue under normal conditions.
5. Example of  location. Hands, legs and other skeletal muscles. Stomach wall, intestine, ureter, bronchi etc. Present in heart.

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