
LAQ : Describe the Peasant Movement during the Quit India movement




Describe the Peasant Movement during the Quit India movement.


The peasant movement during the Quit India Movement aimed to mobilize a mass movement against the repressive policies of the government. The movement gained momentum when it spread throughout the country and farmers in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Bengal participated. The movement took a deadly turn in Bihar and Medinipur in Bengal, where there was a remarkable mass awakening. The movement turned into a people’s war because of the participation of the peasant class. All India Kishan Sabha (AIKS) and new congress ministers were formed in 1937, and the Bihar Provincial Kishan Sabha (BPKS) played a significant role in the peasant movement. The demands of the movement included a moratorium on debts and the abolition of the zamindari system. The movement was largely driven by small farmers and agricultural workers who were badly affected by famine, post-war inflation, and price escalation of basic goods. The movement inspired farmers and lower-class people in other states and gave a mass appeal to the Quit India Movement.

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