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What is flood ? Explain its causes and effects



Definition: A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry.

Causes of Flood:

  1. Heavy rainfall: Excessive and heavy rainfall leads to a rise in the level of water bodies, leading to a flood.
  2. Deforestation: Removal of trees and vegetation cover increases the surface runoff and reduces the water retention capacity of soil, thus leading to floods.
  3. Dam failure: The failure of dams, levees, and other structures designed to hold water can cause floods.

Effects of Flood:

  1. Loss of life: Floods can cause loss of life due to drowning or accidents.
  2. Damage to property: Floods can cause damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, resulting in financial losses.
  3. Spread of diseases: Floodwaters can spread water-borne diseases, leading to health problems.
  4. Displacement: Floods can cause people to evacuate their homes and become displaced, leading to homelessness and refugee crises.

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