
LAQ : Write about the characteristic features of the student movement in the twentieth century




Write about the characteristic features of the student movement in the twentieth century.


The student movement in the twentieth century was a significant force in shaping the political landscape of various countries. Here are some of the characteristic features of the student movement:

  1. Internationalism: The student movement was highly international, with students from different countries coming together to support each other’s struggles. This led to the formation of international student organizations like the International Student Union.
  2. Political activism: Students were highly politically active and involved in a wide range of political causes such as anti-colonialism, civil rights, feminism, and anti-war protests.
  3. Anti-authoritarianism: The student movement was anti-authoritarian, and students often protested against the established authorities, including university administrations and governments.
  4. Non-violent protests: Many student protests were non-violent and followed the principles of civil disobedience, such as sit-ins, rallies, and hunger strikes.
  5. Use of media: Students used media to spread awareness about their movements and to garner support from the general public. This included the use of newspapers, pamphlets, and posters.
  6. Student unions: Student unions were formed to organize student activism and provide a platform for collective action.
  7. Grassroots mobilization: The student movement was often grassroots-led, with students organizing at the local level and building a network of support through social and political organizations.
  8. Demands for reforms: Students demanded reforms in the educational system, such as more inclusive curricula, greater academic freedom, and democratic governance of universities.
  9. Intersectionality: Students recognized the interconnectedness of different social struggles and worked towards intersectional activism, such as combining feminist and anti-racist movements.
  10. Influence on wider society: The student movement had a significant influence on wider society, as it often raised awareness about social issues and created a more politically engaged generation of young people.

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