
The longitude of Kolkata and Seoul are 88°30’E and 127°06’E respectively. What is the local time in Seoul when it is 12 noon at Kolkata?



The time difference between Kolkata and Seoul can be calculated by finding the difference in their longitudes and dividing by 15 (since 15 degrees of longitude correspond to 1 hour of time difference):

The time difference between Kolkata and Seoul

= (127°06’E – 88°30’E) × 4

= (126°66’E – 88°30’E) × 4

= 38°36’× 4

= 38° × 4 + 36’× 4

= 152 min + 144 sec

= 154 min 24 sec

= 2 hours 34 minutes 24 sec

Since Kolkata is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by 5 hours 30 minutes (IST), we need to add this time difference to find the local time in Seoul:

Local time in Seoul = Kolkata time + time difference

= 12:00 PM + 2 hours 34 minutes

= 2:34 PM

Therefore, when it is 12 noon at Kolkata, the local time in Seoul is 2:34 PM.

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