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You are provided with four test tubes containing sugar solution, baking soda solution, tamarind solution, salt solution. Write down an activity to find the nature (acidic/basic/neutral) of each solution.




To find the nature of (acidic/basic/neutral) of each given solution (sugar, solution, baking soda solution, tamarind solution, salt solution).


  • With the help of a dropper put a drop of sugar solution on a strip of the blue litmus paper, no colour change. Now repeat the above step with red litmus paper, again no colour change will be observed. It indicates the sugar solution is neutral in nature.
  • Now, repeat the above activity with the other solutions. (Salt solutions, Baking soda solutions and tamarind solution.) We observe that
  • S. No. Solution Effect on red litmus solution Effect on blue litmus solution Nature of solution
    1. Sugar solution No change No change Neutral
    2. Baking soda solution Red litmus change to blue No change Basic
    3. Tamarind solution No change Blue litmus change to red Acidic
    4. Salt solution No change No change Neutral

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