Waste Product A waste product is something we no longer need and can’t use. It’s...
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Introduction A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. You come across...
Madhyamik Project on Basic Concepts of Statistics | Class 9
Introduction Statistics is the study of collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. It helps...
Madhyamik Project on West Bengal | Class 9 Geography
Our state West Bengal is one of the twenty-nine states of our country India. It...
Madhyamik Project on Human Circulation System | Class 9 Life
Introduction Circulation is the process of blood moving through the body to deliver essential substances...
Madhyamik Project on Industrial Revolution | Class 9 History
Introduction The Industrial Revolution was a period of great change in the way goods were...
Hindi Project on महावीर प्रसाद दिवेदी (Mahavir Prasad Divedi) |
आचार्य महावीर प्रसाद द्विवेदी (1864–1938) हिन्दी के महान साहित्यकार, पत्रकार एवं युगप्रवर्तक थे। उन्होंने हिंदी...
Madhyamik Project on Coordinate Geometry | Class 9
Introduction Coordinate geometry, also known as analytic geometry, is a branch of mathematics that combines...