Madhyamik Class 10 English Paper 2023 | Second Language

Madhyamik Class 10 English Paper 2023

Madhyamik Class 10 English Paper 2023 



(Second Language)

Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes

(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing) 

Full Marks: For Regular Candidates – 90

For External Candidates – 100

Roll __ No. __

Name ________

Registration No. _________

Answer ALL the questions in the space provided. There is enough space for the answers. However, extra sheets will be supplied by the invigilator, if required.

Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.

Section – A

  • Reading Comprehension (Seen) – 20 marks
  • Reading Comprehension (Unseen) – 20 marks

Section – B

  • Grammar and Vocabulary – 20 marks

Section – C

  • Writing – 30 marks

Section – D

  • Supplementary (For External Candidates Only) – 10 marks

Section – A

Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Some days after the funeral, a special train took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad. The compartment was decked with flowers. People on the train sang “bhajans”. People did not weep any more for they could feel Gandhiji’s presence amid the flowers and the songs. At every station, sorrowful crowds filled the platform. Amid song and prayer, the train reached Allahabad. The ashes were immersed in the Ganges where a huge crowd had gathered at the bank. Afterwards, we all went back to Delhi.

Back in Delhi, I felt at sea. I had not directly walked with Gandhiji, gone to prison at his call or made any sacrifice for my country. My sisters and I, and other young people like me, had been merely onlookers. But still, I felt at sea. I felt I had grown up within a magic circle. With Bapu’s passing away, I felt the magic circle had vanished, leaving me unprotected.

With an effort I roused myself, I asked myself – had Bapu lived and died for nothing?

How could I so easily lose courage when he was no longer there? My values were not so weak. Millions of people would have been ordinary folk but for Bapu. He brought them out of indifference and awakened them to one another’s suffering. What if now Bapu is gone? We were still there, young, strong and proud to bear his banner before us.

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences: [1×5=5]

(a) After the funeral Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to

  1. Delhi
  2. Allahabad
  3. Kolkata
  4. Patna

Ans: Allahabad

(b) People who were on the train with the ashes did not weep but

  1. offered prayer
  2. sang songs
  3. expressed sorrow
  4. sang “bhajans”

Ans: sang “bhajans”

(c) “Back in Delhi, I felt at sea” – In this sentence ‘felt at sea’ mean

  1. felt at a loss
  2. visited the sea
  3. felt very sad
  4. felt very generous

Ans: felt at a loss

(d) Like many other young Indians, the narrator and her sister had been

  1. Gandhiji’s companions in prison
  2. co-workers of Gandhiji
  3. mere observers of Gandhiji’s work
  4. making sacrifices for Gandhiji

Ans: mere observers of Gandhiji’s work

(e) After Gandhiji’s death, the narrator wanted to

  1. lose motivation
  2. turn indifferent
  3. remain courageous
  4. weaken values

Ans: remain courageous

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text: [1×3=3]

(i) At the time of immersion of Gandhiji’s ashes

Ans. At the time of the immersion of Gandhiji’s ashes, a huge crowd had gathered at the bank of the Ganges.

(ii) When Gandhiji passed away, the magic

Ans. When Gandhiji passed away, the magic circle that the narrator had grown up within, vanished, leaving her unprotected.

(iii) Even if Bapu was gone

Ans. Even if Bapu was gone, there were still young, strong people who were proud to bear his banner before them.

C. Fill in the chart with information from the text: [2×2=4]

Statement Reason
(i) People stopped weeping for Gandhiji
(ii) Gandhiji brought ordinary folk out of indifference


Statement Reason
(i) People stopped weeping for Gandhiji (i) Gandhiji’s presence amid the flowers and the songs made people feel his presence.
(ii) Gandhiji brought ordinary folk out of indifference (ii) Gandhiji brought ordinary folk out of indifference

2. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow :

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking.

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gull’s crying.

I must go down to the seas again,
to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

A. Tick the right answer: [1×4=4]

(a) The colour associated with the mist and dawn in the poem is

  1. white
  2. blue
  3. grey
  4. black

Ans. grey

(b) The call that the poet cannot deny, is the call of the
  1. white clouds
  2. running tides
  3. lonely sea
  4. grey mist

Ans. running tides

(c) “The vagrant gypsy life” in the third stanza of the poem actually refers to the wandering life of a
  1. vagabond
  2. Warrior
  3. gypsy
  4. sailor

Ans. sailor

(d) The intensity of the poet’s desire to go on a voyage is expressed by
  1. repeating the same phrase “I must go down …………….”
  2. describing the sea voyage in details
  3. comparing the voyager’s life with gypsies
  4. referring to the running tide and flying clouds

Ans. repeating the same phrase “I must go down …………….”

B. Answer the following questions: 2×2=4
  1. Which word in the poem tells you that this is not going to be the first voyage of the poet? Why does the poet ask for a star?
  2. What does the poet ask for at the end of his journey?

Answer :

  1. The phrase “I must go down to the seas again” suggests that this is not going to be the poet’s first voyage. The poet asks for a star to steer the tall ship by, indicating that he is an experienced sailor who knows the importance of navigation.
  2. At the end of his journey, the poet asks for a merry yarn from a fellow rover, quiet sleep, and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

More than 3,500 hectares of mangrove plantation have been done in the Sunderbans by the forest department to protect the delta from soil erosion as well as storms and cyclones. Large swathes of mangroves had got damaged in the Sunderbans when cyclone Amphan struck. Other factors like cutting down forests to make way for pisciculture ponds and farming fields have also played a part in this.

According to a senior officer of the forest department, many tens of thousands of migrant labourers had returned to the mangrove delta during the Covid-induced lockdown. Many of them took to an alternate livelihood. Some started farming and fishing in local ponds on a small scale and to make way for these large swathes of mangroves had been cut down leaving the area exposed to the vagaries of storms as well as soil erosion. The department had roped in the help of joint forest management committees and local women to plant mangrove saplings. According to an estimate, by the end of 2022 around 17.5 lakh saplings will be planted.

Milan Mondal, the divisional forest officer of South 24-Parganas, said their efforts were paying off as the villagers themselves have realised the importance of the mangrove cover after the Sunderbans was lashed with back to back cyclones, including Amphan and Yaas. In areas like Lothian Island, G Plot and Frasergunj, mangrove saplings have been planted on as many as 230 acres. The forest department has also managed to generate employment for more than 12,500 villagers.

[Adapted from an article published in The Telegraph dated 25th July 2022]

A. Tick the right answer: [1×6=6]

(i) An initiative for mangrove plantation has taken place in the Sunderbans by

  1. irrigation department
  2. forest department
  3. agriculture department
  4. pisciculture department

Ans. Forest department

(ii) Mangrove plantation initiative aimed at protecting Sunderbans from storms and

  1. human greed
  2. Amphan
  3. pisciculture ponds
  4. soil erosion

Ans. Soil erosion

(iii) The area covered with mangrove under this initiative measures less than

  1. 4000 hectares
  2. 3000 hectares
  3. 2000 hectares
  4. 2500 hectares

Ans. 4000 hectares

(iv) The number of cyclones named in this passage is

  1. three
  2. one
  3. two
  4. many

Ans. Two

(v) The collaborators helping forest department in this initiative are

  1. local farmers and local women
  2. forest management committees and local women
  3. local farmers and local fishermen
  4. all the villagers and forest management committees

Ans. Forest management committees and local women

(vi) An appropriate title for the passage would be

  1. An endeavour to protect mangroves
  2. A bid to protect mangroves in Sunderbans
  3. Planting mangroves to protect the Sunderbans
  4. Plantation of mangroves for the protection of life

Ans. A bid to protect mangroves in Sunderbans

B. Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False. Write ‘T’ for “True and ‘F’ for False in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also pick out suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answers: (1+1)×3=6

(i) Cyclone Amphan damaged large areas of mangroves in the Sunderbans.

Ans. True.

Supporting sentence:

“Large swathes of mangroves had got damaged in the Sunderbans when cyclone Amphan struck.”

(ii) Cyclones are the only cause of the damage of the mangroves in the Sunderbans.

Ans. False.

Supporting sentence:

“Other factors like cutting down forests to make way for pisciculture ponds and farming fields have also played a part in this.”

(iii) Planting mangrove saplings has generated employment for many villagers.

Ans. True.

Supporting sentence:

“The forest department has also managed to generate employment for more than 12,500 villagers.”

C. Answer the following questions: [2×4=8]

  1. How many migrant labourers returned to the Sunderbans during the Covid-induced lockdown and what alternative livelihood did they take in?
  2. What were the impacts of migrant labourers’ alternative livelihoods on Sundarbans nature?
  3. Name two areas of Sunderbans where mangrove saplings have been planted.
  4. Who is Milan Mondal? What did he say about the effect of their effort on the villagers of the area?


  1. Many tens of thousands of migrant labourers had returned to the mangrove delta during the Covid-induced lockdown. Many of them took to an alternate livelihood.
  2. Some migrant labourers started farming and fishing in local ponds on a small scale and to make way for these, large swathes of mangroves had been cut down leaving the area exposed to the vagaries of storms as well as soil erosion.
  3. Mangrove saplings have been planted in areas like Lothian Island, G Plot, and Frasergunj.
  4. Milan Mondal is the divisional forest officer of South 24-Parganas. He said that their efforts were paying off as the villagers themselves realized the importance of the mangrove cover after the Sunderbans were lashed with back-to-back cyclones, including Amphan and Yaas. He also mentioned that in areas like Lothian Island, G Plot, and Frasergunj, mangrove saplings have been planted on as many as 230 acres, and the forest department has also managed to generate employment for more than 12,500 villagers.

Section – B
Grammar And Vocabulary

4. Write the correct alternatives to fill in the blanks: [1×3=3]

The Tortoise set out to collect all the wisdom in the world, and as he ____ (has been gathering / gathered / had gathered) each piece he put it into a large gourd. This took a long time, and when Tortoise thought he ____ (had collected / collected / collect) all there was, he ____ (decides / had decided / decided ) to hide the gourd on top of a tree.


The Tortoise set out to collect all the wisdom in the world, and as he gathered each piece he put it into a large gourd. This took a long time, and when Tortoise thought he had collected all there was, he decided to hide the gourd on top of a tree.

5. Do as directed :

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions: [1×3=3]

Life had not been smooth sailing ____ Sudha. In 1981, ____ car she was travelling met with an accident and her right leg had to be amputated below the knee. She walked around ____ crutches.


Life had not been smooth sailing for Sudha. In 1981, the car she was travelling in met with an accident and her right leg had to be amputated below the knee. She walked around on crutches.

B. (i) People on the train sang “Bhajans”. (Change the voice)

Ans: “Bhajans” were sung by people on the train.

(ii) Samuel said, “Swaminathan, where is your homework?” (Change into indirect speech)

Ans: Samuel asked Swaminathan where his homework was.

(iii) He put it in an envelope and sealed it. (Turn into a simple sentence)

Ans: He sealed the envelope.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list: [1×3=3]

  1. Sahana visited you last night to invite you to her birthday party. ____
  2. Solving the puzzle was so difficult that I stopped trying. ____
  3. The man created a story to avoid punishment. ____

[call up, make up, call on, give up]


  1. Sahana called on you last night to invite you to her birthday party.
  2. Solving the puzzle was so difficult that I gave up.
  3. The man made up a story to avoid punishment.

6. Given below are the meanings of four words that you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side: [2×4=8]

  1. loss ____
  2. unprotected ____
  3. a person who moves from one place to another ____
  4. work ____


  1. loss – damage
    Reference: Referring to the damage of mangroves in the Sunderbans
  2. unprotected – exposed
    Reference: Referring to the area that became exposed to the vagaries of storms and soil erosion due to the cutting down of mangroves
  3. a person who moves from one place to another – migrant
    Reference: Referring to the migrant labourers who returned to the mangrove delta during the Covid-induced lockdown)
  4. work – employment
    Reference: Referring to the generation of employment for more than 12,500 villagers by the forest department

Section – C

7. Write a short biography (in about 100 words) of Sukumar Ray, the great Bengali writer and poet, based on the points given below: [10]

Birth: 30 October 1887

Parents: Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury and Bidhumukhi Devi

Education: Attended City College School – Graduated with double honors in Physics and Chemistry from Presidency College trained in photography and printing technology from England.

Profession: Writer, illustrator, photographer, publisher of ‘Sandesh’, the famous children’s magazine.

Notable works: Notable for writing “nonsense” rhymes in Bengali e.g. Abol Tabol, Pagla Dashu, HaJaBaRaLa etc.

Death: September 10, 1923


Sukumar Ray was born on 30 October 1887 to parents Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury and Bidhumukhi Devi. He attended City College School and graduated with double honours in Physics and Chemistry from Presidency College. He was also trained in photography and printing technology in England. Sukumar Ray was a writer, illustrator, photographer, and publisher of ‘Sandesh’, the famous children’s magazine. He was notable for writing “nonsense” rhymes in Bengali, such as Abol Tabol, Pagla Dashu, and HaJaBaRaLa. Sukumar Ray passed away on September 10, 1923.

8. Write a letter (within 100 words) to the editor of an English daily expressing concern about the frequent accidents due to rash driving in your area: [10]



The Editor, English daily

20, Prafulla Sarkar Road,

Kolkata – 700 072.

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern about the frequent accidents due to rash driving in our area. It has become a daily occurrence, and it is endangering the lives of innocent people. The drivers are often found violating traffic rules, and they seem to have no fear of the law. I request the concerned authorities to take immediate action to prevent such accidents and ensure the safety of the people. Stricter laws and harsh penalties must be imposed to deter reckless driving. It is time we take action to make our roads safer.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

9. Write a paragraph (within 100 words) about how you celebrate Independence Day in your school. You may use the following points: [10]

[Time of attendance participants – programs – the significance of celebrating the day]


On Independence Day, our school organizes a grand celebration to commemorate the freedom struggle of India. The event usually starts in the morning, and all the students, teachers, and staff attend the flag hoisting ceremony together. After the flag hoisting, there are several programs like patriotic songs, speeches, and cultural performances that showcase the rich heritage and diversity of our country. The significance of celebrating this day is to remember the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and to express our gratitude towards them. It is also a time for us to renew our pledge towards the nation and work towards building a better and stronger India.

Section – D (Supplementary)
[for External Candidates Only]

1. Fill in the blanks by adding prefixes or suffixes to the words given in brackets. [1×5=5]

  1. The situation he was in proved ____ (hope).
  2. Her achievement in Madhyamik is more remarkable as she comes from an ____ (literate) family background.
  3. Teacher scolded the students for ____ (regular) attendance.
  4. Nobody respects a ____ (honest) person.
  5. He is well known for his ____ (forget) nature.


  1. hopeless
  2. illiterate
  3. irregular
  4. dishonest
  5. forgetful

2. Frame nominal compounds from the meanings given below [1×5=5]

  1. a hostel for the youth: ____
  2. a chair with wheels: ____
  3. a palace made of marble: ____
  4. a bottle that contains water: ____
  5. a train carrying mail: ____


  1. youth hostel
  2. wheelchair
  3. marble palace
  4. water bottle
  5. mail train

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