Biography of Guru Nanak Dev Ji | 350 Words

Biography of Guru Nanak Dev Ji complete biography for Class 10, Class 12, and Graduation and other classes.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Full Name Gurū Nānak
Born 1469
Died On 1539
Known for
Founder of Sikhism
Children Mata Sulakhani
Spouse  Sri Chand, Lakhmi Das

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus. He was born in 1469 in the village of Talwandi, now known as Nankana Sahib, located in present-day Pakistan. He was a spiritual leader, social reformer, and a religious teacher.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji began his adult life working as a farmer, and later as a government accountant, but he spent most of his time in meditation and spiritual pursuits. He is said to have received a spiritual calling from God at the age of 30, after which he left his home and began his mission of preaching the teachings of God and of living a life of devotion and service.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings emphasized the importance of living a life of truth, honesty, compassion, and humility. He taught that there is only one God, that all human beings are equal, and that the purpose of life is to realize the presence of God within oneself and in the world. He also spoke out against social inequalities and caste system, He emphasized the importance of leading a simple, honest and selfless life, and he emphasized the importance of helping others.

He traveled extensively across the Indian subcontinent, spreading his message of devotion and compassion to all people, regardless of their religion, caste, or social status. He wrote many hymns and poetry in the Punjabi language, which are compiled in the Guru Granth Sahib, which is considered the holy scripture of Sikhism.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji passed away in 1539, but his legacy and teachings live on through the continued practice of Sikhism, which has millions of followers around the world. He is considered as the founder of the Sikh religion and His birthday is celebrated as Guru Nanak Jayanti, and is one of the most important festivals for the Sikh community.

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