Lesson 13 – Ghosts on the Verandah | Chapter Solution Class 7

Ghosts on the Verandah
Book Name : Blossom
Subject : English
Class : 7 (Madhyamik)
Publisher : Prof. Nabanita Chatterjee
Chapter Name : Ghosts on the Verandah (13th Chapter)

Activity 1

Complete the following table from the text:

Statements Reason
(a) The author went to say at Alil’s house
(b) Anil’s mother told them ghost stories
(c) The boy in the classroom could stretch his hands four yards.
(d) Anil wished to be a jinn



  1. Anil’s father was out of town
  2. his mother’s memory was stored with incredible folklore.
  3. The boy was a jinn.
  4. he can take advantage in volleyball matches.

Activity 2

Answer the following questions:

  1. What attracts a jinn?
  2. List the activities of an annoyed Munjia.
  3. Why must one be careful while yawning under a peepul tree at night?
  4. How did the boy in the class show that he was a jinn?


  1. According to Anil’s mother’s folklore, long hair and pretty black eyes like Mulia’s can attract jinns. They may be tempted to carry away someone who possesses these features.
  2. An annoyed Munjia, a mischievous ghost, is said to rush out from its lonely peepul tree and upset various modes of transportation. This includes tongas (horse-drawn carriages), bullock-carts, cycles (bicycles), and even buses.
  3. According to Anil’s mother’s beliefs, if someone yawns without covering their mouth or snapping their fingers in front of a peepul tree at night, the Munjia (mischievous ghost) might jump down their throat. This act supposedly ruins the person’s digestion completely.
  4. The boy in the class demonstrated his jinn-like abilities when he effortlessly fetched a book from the cupboard without leaving his seat. He simply stretched out his arm, which extended about four yards, and retrieved the book. This extraordinary display of supernatural power made everyone realize that he was a jinn, explaining his remarkable agility and proficiency in activities that required physical prowess.

Activity 3

Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate words from the box given below. You may need to change the form of the words:

[Incredible, fetch, cupboard, agility]

  1. Since she is a gymnast, she has great ____.
  2. Tuhin ____ a bucket of water.
  3. Your story is ____.
  4. The utensils are kept inside a ____.


  1. Since she is a gymnast, she has great agility.
  2. Tuhin fetched a bucket of water.
  3. Your story is incredible.
  4. The utensils are kept inside a cupboard

Activity 4

Complete the following comparisons by correctly choosing  the word from the box given below:

[Cold, hot, black, proud, brave, green, heavy, gentle, firm, busy]

  1. as ____ coal
  2. as ____ lion
  3. as ____ as  a bee
  4. as ____ as a lamb
  5. as ____ as apeacock
  6. as ____ as grass
  7. as ____ as a rock
  8. as ____ as lead
  9. as ____ as ice
  10. as ____ as fire


  1. as black coal
  2. as brave lion
  3. as busy as  a bee
  4. as gentle as a lamb
  5. as proud as a peacock
  6. as green as grass
  7. as firm as a rock
  8. as heavy as lead
  9. as Cold as ice
  10. as hot as fire

Activity 5

Rewrite the following sentences using the adverbs given in brackets in the appropriate place:

  1. This exercise is easy. (too)
  2. The train is fast. (fairly)
  3. The bottle is full. (quite)
  4. We won the match. (nearly)
  5. We are late, let us hurry. (rather)
  6. She has come in. (just)
  7. He makes a mistake. (never)
  8. I get up early in the morning. (always)
  9. I am sorry. (very)
  10. He was intelligent to solve the problem. (enough)


  1. This exercise is too easy.
  2. The train is fairly fast.
  3. The bottle is quite full.
  4. We nearly won the match.
  5. We are rather late, let us hurry.
  6. She has just come in.
  7. He never makes a mistake.
  8. I always get up early in the morning.
  9. I am very sorry.
  10. He was intelligent enough to solve the problem.

Activity 6

Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

  1. Anil’s mother thought that seeing a snake ____ .
  2. Kamal and the author did not want to go to their room because ____.
  3. When Anil’s mother saw the boys rushing about, she ____.
  4. Kamal sang softly because ____.


  1. Anil’s mother thought that seeing a snake was lucky.
  2. Kamal and the author did not want to go to their room because they were frightened by Anil’s mother’s ghost stories.
  3. When Anil’s mother saw the boys rushing about, she screamed and collapsed on a cot.
  4. Kamal sang softly because he was trying to raise their spirits and make the atmosphere less eerie.

Activity 7

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why did Anil and Mulia appear “pale and anxious”?
  2. What did Anil’s mother think when she saw the room empty?
  3. What was the effect of Kamal’s singing on the author?
  4. Do you think Anil’s mother believed in ghosts? Give a reason for your answer.


  1. Anil and Mulia appeared “pale and anxious” because they had noticed that the beds and the boys, Rusty and Kamal, were missing from the room. This unexpected disappearance likely startled and worried them.
  2. When Anil’s mother saw the room empty, she thought that the boys, Rusty and Kamal, had also disappeared along with the beds. This realization caused her to become alarmed and fearful.
  3. The effect of Kamal’s singing on the author was not explicitly mentioned in the text. However, it can be inferred that Kamal’s singing was unable to alleviate the author’s uneasiness or make the atmosphere less eerie. The author’s restlessness and constant twisting and turning in bed suggest that Kamal’s singing did not have a significant calming effect.
  4. Yes, Anil’s mother believed in ghosts. Her extensive knowledge of different types of ghosts and spirits, her cautionary advice, and the fear she instilled in others through her stories indicate her genuine belief in the existence of the supernatural.

Activity 8

Fill in the blanks with suitable modals:

  1. I ____speak English.
  2. We eat so that we ____ live.
  3. You ____ go now.
  4. ____ you have good luck.
  5. We ____ be rewarded.
  6. I ____ not surrender.
  7. You ____ be able to do it in no time.
  8. We ____ help the poor.
  9. I ____ never tell lies.
  10. Tomorrow we ____ have a holiday.


  1. I can speak English.
  2. We eat so that we can live
  3. You should go now.
  4. May you have good luck.
  5. We should be rewarded.
  6. I will not surrender.
  7. You will be able to do it in no time.
  8. We should help the poor.
  9. I never tell lies.
  10. Tomorrow we will have a holiday.

Activity 9

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verb given in brackets:

  1. She ran so fast that I ____ (can) not overtake her.
  2. I thought I ____ (see) you yesterday.
  3. He helps his neighbours more than he ____ (help) his family.
  4. When I saw her, I ____ (speak) to her.
  5. The more he learned, the more he ____ (want)to learn.
  6. There was a rumour that he ____ (die) in the accident.
  7. We thought that she ____ (will) succeed.
  8. I shall nurse her that she ____ (may) recover.
  9. I left the place as soon as I ____ (hear) the news.
  10. Honesty ____ (be) the best policy.


  1. She ran so fast that I could not overtake her.
  2. I thought I saw you yesterday.
  3. He helps his neighbours more than he helps his family.
  4. When I saw her, I spoke to her.
  5. The more he learned, the more he wanted to learn.
  6. There was a rumor that he died in the accident.
  7. We thought that she would succeed.
  8. I shall nurse her that she may recover.
  9. I left the place as soon as I heard the news.
  10. Honesty is the best policy.

Activity 10

Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct verb given in brackets:

  1. All that glitters ____ (is/are) not gold.
  2. The great poet and novelist ____ (is/are) dead.
  3. Each of the boys ____ (was/were) given a prize.
  4. Salim as well as his friend ____ (is/are) honest.
  5. Time and tide ____ (wait/waits) for none.
  6. Neither of the girls ____ (has/have) brought her book.
  7. None but the brave ____ (deserve/deserves) the fair.
  8. Three-fourths of the meal ____ (was/were) eaten.
  9. Either you or he ____ (has/have) done it.
  10. slowand steady ____ (win/wins) the race.


  1. All that glitters is not gold.
  2. The great poet and novelist is dead.
  3. Each of the boys was given a prize.
  4. Salim as well as his friend is honest.
  5. Time and tide wait for none.
  6. Neither of the girls has brought her book.
  7. None but the brave deserves the fair.
  8. Three-fourths of the meal was eaten.
  9. Either you or he has done it.
  10. Slow and steady wins the race.

Activity 11

Fill in the gaps in the following table with appropriate forms of adjectives:

Positive Comparative Superlative
good ____ ___
___ darker ___
wise ___ ___
___ harder ___
soft ___ ___
high ___ ___
___ bright ___
___ ___ least
___ more intelligent ___
serious ___ ___
___ lesser ___
___ ___ swiftest


Here is the table with the appropriate forms of adjectives filled in:

Positive Comparative Superlative
good better best
dark darker darkest
wise wiser wisest
hard harder hardest
soft softer softest
high higher highest
bright brighter brightest
little less least
intelligent more intelligent most intelligent
serious more serious most serious
small smaller smallest
swift swifter swiftest

Activity 12

Pick out the adjectives from the following sentences and write their degree:

  1. Which is the best book?
  2. December is colder than other months.
  3. He is my eldest brother.
  4. Nothing moves as fast as light.
  5. Success is sweeter than failure.


Adjectives and their degrees in the given sentences:

  1. Which is the best book?
    • Adjective: best
    • Degree: superlative degree
  2. December is colder than other months.
    • Adjective: colder
    • Degree: comparative degree
  3. He is my eldest brother.
    • Adjective: eldest
    • Degree: superlative degree
  4. Nothing moves as fast as light.
    • Adjective: fast
    • Degree: the positive degree
  5. Success is sweeter than failure.
    • Adjective: sweeter
    • Degree: comparative degree

Activity 13

Write a story in which you and your two friends are forced to spend a night in an old, desolate building far away from home.


Lost amidst the mystical landscapes of West Bengal, my companions, Rohan and Priya, and I found ourselves stranded near an ancient, desolate building known as “Sundar Villa.” The dilapidated structure stood as a relic of a forgotten era. Nightfall descended, casting eerie shadows on the decaying walls. Fear gripped us, yet we huddled together, drawing strength from one another. As the night wore on, the wind whispered haunting tales of bygone days. But with the first light of dawn, we emerged, triumphant over our fears. The experience deepened our bond, forever etching the memory of “Sundar Villa” and our unwavering friendship in our hearts.

Activity 14

Write a paragraph on a magic show. Use the following points:

Place – the atmosphere – dress of the magician – tricks that he performed – how you liked the show – did you feel interested in performing magic by yourself – conclusion.


Magic show

I attended a magic show in Kolkata, held in a cozy theatre. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and wonder. The magician wore a flashy costume with a colourful cape. He performed mind-boggling tricks, such as making cards disappear and reappear and sawing a person in half. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and was amazed by the magician’s skills. It sparked my interest in learning magic myself. In conclusion, the magic show in Kolkata was a delightful experience that left me in awe and inspired me to explore the world of magic further.

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