Enquiry Letter about the non-compliance of the order.


27-C, Central Market, New Delhi-110024.

25th October 2007


M/s Winter Wears

Mall Road, Shimla, H.P

Ref. : Our letter No. SW/57, 30th September 2007

Dear Sirs,

With reference to the above letter, it is to be informed that we had placed an order with you for the supply of winter garments. The winter sales have already started and the non-compliance of our order from your side has been giving us sleepless nights.

We shall be glad to know when the consignment could be expected.

Hoping for your early reply,

Sincerely yours,


for Fashionable Garment House



Mall Road, Shimla, H.P.

30th October 2007


The Proprietor

Fashionable Garment House

27-C, Central Market

New Delhi-110024

Ref. : Your letter No. SW/57, dated 30/9/07 and the reminder, dated Oct. 25th 

Dear Sir,

While thanking you a lot for your above-mentioned order, followed by you reminder of October 25th, 2007, we deeply regret the inconvenience, caused on account of our non-compliance of your instructions.

Actually speaking, a sudden strike by the workers of the garment-producing factories in the hilly region has very badly affected the supply. Since the trouble is now all over, we assure you to despatch the consignment within the next five days.

Assuring you of our best,

Sincerely yours,

Sd/- for Winter Wears

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