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Madhyamik Project on Basic Concepts of Statistics | Class 9 Mathematics

Project on Statistics

Business statistics concept vector illustration


Statistics is the study of collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. It helps us make sense of information, find patterns, and make informed decisions. From everyday life to scientific research, statistics plays a crucial role in understanding and describing various phenomena and trends.

Importance Of Statistics


  1. Science: Statistics aids scientists in analyzing experimental data, making discoveries, and drawing conclusions about natural phenomena.
  2. Economics: Economists use statistics to study market trends, inflation, and unemployment, and make informed predictions about financial conditions.
  3. Healthcare: Doctors and researchers rely on statistics to analyze patient data, track disease patterns, and develop effective treatments.
  4. Business: Statistics guides business decisions by analyzing sales, customer preferences, and market trends, enabling companies to optimize strategies.
  5. Education: Educational institutions use statistics to evaluate student performance, develop curriculum, and improve teaching methods.

Data Collection

Data Collection

The first step in statistics is gathering data. Data can be anything we measure or observe, like the heights of students in a class or the number of cars passing by a street. It is important to make sure the data is accurate and representative of the situation we are studying.

Types of data

Qualitative Data: Describes qualities or characteristics.

  • Nominal Data: Categories with no specific order (e.g., colours, genders).
  • Ordinal Data: Categories with a meaningful order (e.g., rankings, ratings).

Quantitative Data: Consists of numbers representing quantities.

  • Discrete Data: Countable values with gaps between them (e.g., number of students).
  • Class Data: Measured values within a range (e.g., height, weight).

Representation Of Statistical Data

Tabular Representation: Tabular representation organizes data in a table format. It lists categories or variables in rows and displays their corresponding frequencies or values in columns. This clear arrangement helps us easily compare data and identify patterns or relationships.

Example: Representation of Height information of 40 students in a class

Height (in cm)Number of Students
130 – 1395
140 – 14915
150 – 1595
160 – 16910
170 – 1795

Bar Graph: A bar graph uses bars of varying lengths to represent data values. The length of each bar corresponds to the quantity it represents. It’s useful for comparing different categories or groups, showing which values are larger or smaller. The taller the bar, the bigger the value it represents.

Example: Student’s performance in different subject

bar Graph

Histogram: A bar graph visually displays data using bars of different heights. Each bar represents a category, and its height shows the quantity or value. It’s great for comparing things like sales, scores, or amounts easily. Taller bars indicate larger values, helping us see differences at a glance.

Example: The lifetime of 400 neon lamps in hours


Pie Chart: A pie chart shows data as slices of a circle. Each slice represents a part of the whole, often expressing percentages. Bigger slices indicate larger proportions. It’s useful for displaying simple comparisons and understanding how different parts contribute to the entire data set.

Example: The pie chart shows the marks obtained by a student in an examination. If the student secures 440 marks in all, calculate the marks in each of the given subjects.

Pie Chart

Measures of Central Tendency

Central tendency measures help us find the “average” or the “centre” of a data set. The three main measures are the mean, median, and mode. The mean is calculated by adding up all the values and dividing by the number of values. The median is the middle value when the data is arranged in order, and the mode is the value that appears most frequently.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my English teacher _____ (Name of the teacher) as well as our principal _____ (Name of the principal) who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic _____ (Write the topic name). Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.

Lastly, I like to thank all my supporters who have motivated me to fulfil their project before the timeline.


To successfully complete my project file. I have taken help from the following website

  1. Flash Education – A helpful website with educational content. (Website: FlashEducation.online)
  2. Wikipedia – An online encyclopedia where I found useful facts. (Website: Wikipedia)
  3. Topper.com – Another website that provided valuable information. (Website: topper.com)
  4. Freepik.com – Another website that provided valuable infographics (Website: Freepik.com)

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