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Distinguish between the five classes of vertebrates on the basis of characters like habitat, kind of exoskeleton, respiratory organs and other distinct features.



Differences between Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammals are as follows:

1. HabitatAquaticTerrestrial and aquaticTerrestrialArborealTerrestrial, aquatic and arboreal
2. ExoskeletonSlimy scalesAbsentDry and scalyFeathers, clawsHair, nails, etc.
3. Respiratory organsGillsGills, lungs and skinLungsLungsLungs
4. Body temperatureCold-bloodedCold-bloodedCold-bloodedWarm-bloodedWarm-blooded
5. Heart2-chambered3-chambered3-chambered4-chambered4-chambered
6. Locomotary organsFinsLimbsLimbs; but absent in snakes.Wings and limbsLimbs
7. OthersBody is streamlined. They are oviparous.They have webbed feet. Eggs are laid in water and larvae are aquatic.They are oviparous and some are viviparous, e.g., lizard and snake. Development is external.Body is covered by feathers and forelimbs are modified into wings.Presence of mammary glands. There are hairs on the body and external pinna is also present. They are viviparous.

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