
LAQ : Describe the steps of formation of the first cell



The steps of formation of the first cell

  1. Prebiotic Earth: Early Earth had a reducing atmosphere with gases like methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapour.
  2. Formation of Organic Molecules: Simple organic molecules like amino acids and nucleotides formed from inorganic compounds through natural processes.
  3. Polymerization: Organic molecules combine to form more complex macromolecules like proteins and nucleic acids.
  4. Protocells: Macromolecules self-assembled into protocells with semi-permeable membranes.
  5. Metabolism and Reproduction: Protocells developed basic metabolic processes and the ability to replicate.
  6. Natural Selection: Protocells with advantageous traits had a selective advantage and evolved over time.
  7. Emergence of First Cell: Eventually, protocells evolved into the first primitive cells with fully functional cellular structures.

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