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LAQ : Make a comparative discussion of Farazi and Wahabi Movements




Make a comparative discussion of Farazi and Wahabi Movements.


Farazi MovementWahabi Movement
Founder: Haji ShariatullahFounder:  Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab
Time period: Early 19th centuryTime period: 18th century
Goal: Reform Muslim society through a return to the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, emphasizing education, social justice, and Islamic valuesGoal: Purify Islam by returning to the original teachings of the Quran and Hadith, rejecting innovations and false beliefs
Beliefs: A moderate form of IslamBeliefs: A literal interpretation of the Quran and Hadith
More successful in achieving goals, had significant influence on the Bengal region, contributed to spreading of modern education and the rise of the Muslim middle class, played a role in the formation of the Muslim LeagueLimited impact on mainstream Muslim society, mainly confined to the northwest frontier region, influenced Islamic revivalist movement in India, played a role in regional politics

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