
LAQ : Write the difference between organic and inorganic compound in respect of (i) Melting point (ii) solubility (iii) Electrical conductivity




Write the difference between organic and inorganic compounds with respect to (i) Melting point (ii) solubility (iii) Electrical conductivity. 


(i) Melting point:

  • Organic compounds generally have lower melting points than inorganic compounds.
  • This is due to weak intermolecular forces between organic molecules compared to strong ionic or covalent bonds in inorganic compounds.

(ii) Solubility:

  • Organic compounds are generally more soluble in nonpolar solvents such as benzene, toluene, and hexane.
  • Inorganic compounds are generally more soluble in polar solvents such as water.
  • This is due to the polarity of the compounds and the solvent used.

(iii) Electrical conductivity:

  • Inorganic compounds are generally good conductors of electricity in their molten or aqueous state.
  • Organic compounds are generally poor conductors of electricity.

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