Summary of “Fable” | Bliss Class 10

Book Name : Bliss English Textbook For Class X Second Language
Subject : Bliss
Class : 10 (Madhyamik/WB)
Publisher : Prof. Nabanita Chatterjee
Chapter Name : Fable (2nd Lesson)

About the author

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet. His famous poems include ‘Concord Hymn’ and ‘Brahma’. The poem describes a conversation between the squirrel and the mountain. The squirrel points out that in this world every being, living or non-living, big or small, has their individual reasons for existence.

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Introduction of the Poem Fable

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “The Mountain and the Squirrel” is a fable in the form of a conversation between a mountain and a squirrel who have a quarrel. The poem explores the idea that all beings, big or small, have their own unique purpose and talents that contribute to the larger picture of existence.

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Summary of the Poem Fable


Bliss X 23

The poem “The Mountain and the Squirrel” is a story about a quarrel (small argument) between a mountain and a squirrel. The mountain insult the squirrel by calling it a “Little Prig” because it is small. The squirrel responds by saying that while the mountain is big, the squirrel is not that small and is much quicker. The squirrel also mentions that it cannot carry forests on its back, but the mountain cannot crack a nut.

The poem teaches us to appreciate our own strengths and not to look down on others. It shows that both the mountain and the squirrel are important in their own ways, even though they are different. The poem also highlights that everything in the world has its place, and all things together make the world complete.

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Characters of the Poem Fable

  • The Mountain: The mountain is large and proud, believing that its size makes it more important than the squirrel. It looks down on the squirrel, calling it “Little Prig” because of its small size. The mountain represents those who judge others based on appearances or size, without recognizing their unique abilities.
  • The Squirrel (Bun): The squirrel, named Bun, is small but quick and clever. Despite being insulted by the mountain, Bun confidently defends its own worth. It points out that while it cannot carry forests like the mountain, it can crack a nut. The squirrel represents the idea that everyone has unique talents, regardless of size.

The theme of the Poem Fable

The theme of the poem is that every individual has a unique purpose and place in the world and that no one should be judged based on their size or physical capabilities. Talents differ and should be appreciated equally. The poem teaches the importance of mutual respect and understanding between different beings.

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