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WBBHSC Class 12 Environmental Studies Higher Secondary Examination 2017

WBBHSC Class 12 Environmental Studies Higher Secondary Examination 2017

WBBHSC Class 12 Environmental Studies Higher Secondary Examination 2017

Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes

(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing) 

Full Marks – 80

PART – B [Marks: 40]

1. Select the correct answer from the alternatives: [1 × 24 = 24]

(i) Who first coined the word ‘Biodiversity’?—

  1. E. O. Wilson
  2. Rachel Carson
  3. V. S. Naipaul
  4. Barry Commoner

(ii) In which State of India, is the ‘Kejoladeo National Park’ situated?—

  1. Assam
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Kerala
  4. Madhya Fiadcsli

(iii) What is India’s rank, in the world in respect of amphibian diversity? —

  1. 15th
  2. 10th
  3. 5th
  4. 20th

(iv) In which the State of India is ‘Nokrek Biosphere Reserve’ situated?—

  1. Meghalaya
  2. Assam
  3. Sikkim
  4. Tamil Nadu

(v) In which year was the Stockholm Conference held?—

  1. 1972
  2. 1992
  3. 1982
  4. 1962

(vi) In which State of India, is the ‘Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve’ situated?—

  1. Maharashtra
  2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Himachal Pradesh
  4. Tamil Nadu

(vii) Which one of the following plants are used for the manufacture of medicines for nervous diseases?—


  1. Dioscorea
  2. Mango
  3. Sarpagandha
  4. None of these

(viii) How many numbers of bird species are presently seen in India?—

  1. 204
  2. 1228
  3. 428
  4. 372

(ix) What is the total number of threatened reptile species presently available in India?—

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 17
  4. 72

(x) Black soil is found in—

  1. desert
  2. Mountain peak
  3. volcanic mouth
  4. none of these

(xi) The full form of ‘E.T. L.’ is—

  1. Economic Threshold Level
  2. Environmental Treatment Level
  3. Effluent Treatment Limit
  4. Economic Treatment Level

(xii) Where is the headquarters of ‘Forest Survey of India’ situated?—

  1. Dehradun
  2. New Delhi
  3. Mumbai
  4. Gangtok

(xiii) In which year was the ‘National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board’ established?—

  1. 1990
  2. 1985
  3. 1992
  4. 2000

(xiv) ‘National Biodiversity Authority’ is established in—

  1. Kolkata
  2. New Delhi
  3. Allahabad
  4. Chennai

(xv) In which year was the ‘Joint Forest Management’ cell formed in India?—

  1. 1998
  2. 1985
  3. 1992
  4. 2002

(xvi) Which one of the following causes the generation of ‘Blue Baby Syndrome’?—

  1. Excess nitrogen
  2. Excess carbon dioxide
  3. Excess ozone
  4. Excess mercury

(xvii) In order to comply with environmental norms, which I.S.O. certificate is required to be adopted by industrial establishments?—

  1. I.S.O.: 5000
  2. I.S.O.: 14000
  3. I.S.O.: 1000
  4. I.S.O.: 4000

(xviii) An example of ‘earth capital’ is—

  1. water
  2. religion
  3. culture
  4. social customs

(xix) In which country was the ‘Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)’ held?—

  1. Mexico
  2. Brazil
  3. Japan
  4. Argentina

(xx) The main function of ‘DDT’ is—

  1. to maintain soil humidity
  2. to act as a pesticide
  3. to fix nitrogen for nutrition
  4. none of these

(xxi) The process of gradual increase in the concentration of metallic elements at each successive level of food chain is called—

  1. Biochemical reaction
  2. Bionutrition
  3. Biological demand
  4. Biomagnification

(xxii) ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ means—

  1. continuous development of agro-industries
  2. continuous use of agrochemicals
  3. development of agriculture without disturbing environmental balance
  4. none of these

(xxiii) In order to carry out sustainable agriculture in over-used agricultural lands, it is required to adopt—

  1. rotation of different crops
  2. increased use of pesticides
  3. increased use of nitrogen-rich fertilizers
  4. none of these

(xxiv) The time required for the development of 2-5 cm of soil strata on the surface of the earth is around—

  1. 1500-2000 years
  2. 200-1000 years
  3. 50 years
  4. none of these

2. Answer the following question very briefly (Alternatives are to be noted): [1 × 16 = 16]

  1. Name a ‘biodiversity hot spot’ of India. Or; What is the full form of ‘I.U.C.N.’?
  2. Give an example of ‘World Heritage Site’ of India. Or; Give an example of mail-wild animal conflict in nature.
  3. Name an invasive plant of India. Or; Name an endangered wild animal of India.
  4. Name a quality evaluation indicator of soil. Or; In which year was ‘The Motor Vehicles Act’ promulgated in India?
  5. Name a quality evaluation indicator of air. Or; In which year was ‘The Mines and Minerals Act’ promulgated in India?
  6. In which year was the ‘Environment Ministry’ of the Government of India established? Or; In which year was ‘The Indian Forests Act’ promulgated in India?
  7. What is the maximum limit of the annual average concentration of nitrogen oxide (NOX) in the air of industrial areas? Or; What is the maximum limit of the annual average concentration of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (R.S.P.M.) in the air of residential areas?
  8. What is the maximum limit of the annual average concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter (S.P.M.) in the air of environmentally sensitive areas?
  9. What is ‘Red Data Book’?
  10. What is the permissible limit of ‘chloride’ in drinking water as per ‘IS 10500′?
  11. What do you mean by ‘Solar Capital’? Or; In which year was the famous Report on Sustainable Development, ‘Our Common Future’, published?
  12. “The stability of an empire depends on the stability of its environment.” Who made this statement?
  13. Give an example of bioherbicide.
  14. Give an example of blue-green algae.
  15. What is ‘Mycorrhiza’?
  16. What is ‘Laterite soil’?

PART – A [Marks: 40]

1. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted) : [8 × 5 = 40]

(i) What do you understand by ‘biodiversity*? Describe the different types of biodiversity. 3 + 5

Or; What do you understand by ‘value of biodiversity’? Discuss with proper examples. 3 + 5

(ii) State the salient resolutions adopted in the Earth Summit (1992).

Or; Explain the mutual relationship between ‘development’ and ‘environment management’.

(iii) State the different principles of sustainability.

(iv) State the major steps necessary for building up a ‘sustainable society’.

(v) Discuss the importance of soil in crop production.

Or; Write briefly on ‘Action Plan for Sustainable Agriculture’.

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