WBBHSC Class 12 Environmental Studies Higher Secondary Examination 2018
Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes
(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only, 3 Hours for writing)Â
Full Marks – 80
PART – B [Marks: 40]
1. Select the correct answer out of the options given against each question and write in the box provided on the right-hand side bottom : [1 × 24 = 24]
(i) How much area of global land is getting lost due to soil erosion every year?—
- 100 lakh hectares
- 80 lakh hectares
- 50 lack hectares
- 30 lakh hectares
(ii) What is India’s rank in the world in respect of reptile diversity?—
- 15th
- 10th
- 5th
- 20th
(iii) One example of a physical component of soil is—
- fungus
- earthworm
- water
- none of these
(iv) In which year was the ‘National Biodiversity Authority’ established in India?—
- 2003
- 1981
- 1992
- 1972
(v) What is maximum permissible limit of ‘iron’ in drinking water as per I.S. 10500?—
- 0.1 miligramme/liter
- 0.2 miligramme/liter
- 0.3 miligramme/Iiter
- 04 miligramme/liter
(vi) What is the maximum permissible limit of annual average concentration of nitrogen oxide (NOX) in the air of residential areas?—
- 80 microgramme/cubic m
- 60 microgramme/cubic m
- 15 microgramme/cubic m
- None of these
(vii) The example of renewable resource is—
- petroleum
- coal
- forest wealth
- none of these
(viii) Yam (Dioscorea deltoidea) is used in—
- manufacture of contraceptive pills
- prevention of cancer
- prevention of malaria
- none of these
(ix) From which country was the plant Lantana camera brought to India?—
- Russia
- China
- Mexico
- Bangladesh
(x) The scientific name of the Coconut tree is—
- Mangifera indica
- Albizia procera
- Cocus nucifera
- none of these
(xi) The total number of ‘Tiger Reserve Projects’ in India is—
- 38
- 28
- 18
- 48
(xii) One example of bio-herbicide is—
- sunflower
- D.D.T.
- urea
- phosphate
(xiii) How many people in the world face death out of pesticide poisoning every year?—
- 4,00,000
- 50,000
- 1,00,000
- 10,000
(xiv) An example of mycorrhiza is—
- Glomus
- Nostoc
- Millet
- Alfalfa
(xv) How much area of global land is getting converted to deserts every year?—
- 180 lakh hectares
- 80 lakh hectares
- 40 lakh hectares
- 20 lakh hectares
(xvi) The oldest form of traditional agroforestry is—
- Jhum cultivation
- Taungya
- Social forestry
- none of these
(xvii) Over-use of D.D.T. leads to—
- biodiversity
- bioluminescence
- biomagnification
- none of these
(xviii) What is the maximum permissible limit of noise in the daytime in a silence zone?—
- 75 decibel
- 65 decibel
- 50 decibel
- 45 decibel
(xix) What is the maximum permissible limit of the annual average concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter (S.P.M.) in the air of rural areas?—
- 360 microgramme/cubic in
- 120 microgramme/cubic m
- 140 microgramme/cubic m
- 70 microgramme/cubic m
(xx) To which country was the Mali civilization associated with?—
- Australia
- India
- Africa
- None of these
(xxi) The estimated number of threatened plant species in India is—
- 93
- 1336
- 49
- none of these
(xxii) Which flower is predominantly used in sacrificial fires in Gujrat?—
- Jaba (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
- Saini (prosopis spicigera)
- Datura (Datura stramonium)
- None of these
(xxiii) Which of the following has been designated as a ‘Megadiversity country’?—
- Pakistan
- Iraq
- India
- None of these
(xxiv) In which state of India is ‘Panchmarhi biosphere Reserve’ situated?—
- Karnataka
- Tamil Nadu
- Madhya Pradesh
- Uttar Pradesh
2. Answer the following questions in very brief (Alternatives are to be noted) : [1 × 16 = 16]
- What do you mean by ‘biofertilizer’?
- What is the source of laterite soil?
- What is ‘coliform’? What do you mean by a sustainable economy? Or; What is a ‘sustainable society’?
- In which year was the ‘Pesticide Act’ promulgated in India? Or; In which year was the ‘Indian Boilers Act’ promulgated in India?
- What is the maximum permissible limit of ‘hardness’ in drinking water as per IS 10500? ” Or; What do you mean by ‘turbidity’ of drinking water?
- In which year was the ‘Forest Survey of India’ established? Or; In which year was the ‘Tiger Project’ launched in India?
- In which state of India is Gir Forest situated? Or; How many species of amphibia are found in India?
- What is ‘I.R. 36′?
- What do you understand by ‘crop rotation’?
- What is the full form of ‘N.C.E.P.’?
- What is ‘carrying capacity’?
- What is the maximum limit of the annual average concentration of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter in the air of industrial areas?
- In which year was the ‘Montreal Protocol’ signed? Or; What are ‘Mangroves’?
- What is the main objective of ‘National Action Plant for Wildlife’? Or; What is the scientific name of the Bot (Banyan) tree?
- What is the number of threatened fish species in India? Or; What is a coral reef?
PART – A [Marks : 40]
1. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted) : [8 × 5 = 40]
(i) What do you mean by ‘domesticated biodiversity’? Discuss briefly the different causes of the loss of biodiversity. 3 + 5
Or; State the differences between ‘in situ’ and “ex situ’ conservation. What do you understand by ‘genetic engineering’? 3 + 5
(ii) Write a short note on ‘Environment Protection Act, 1986′. State briefly the components of environmental management. 4 + 4
Or; What do you understand by ‘assessment of environmental indicators’? Explain with examples. 3 + 5
(iii) What do you mean by ‘sustainable development’? Discuss the necessity of sustainable development in improving the quality of life at present and future times. 3 + 5
(iv) Discuss the role of government and non-governmental agencies in the field of sustainable development.
(v) Discuss the impacts of agrochemicals on the environment.
Or; Describe briefly the different elements of sustainable agriculture.